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Image Comments posted by dkemphoto

    Dark & Damp


    Excuse me: 5Dll and 10-22 EF-S lens?

    Something wrong there.

    But nice image anyway. A little too long exposure for my taste. With fast rushing water like this, I find (or, I prefer) a little less time, more around 1/20th - 1/10th. Looks more realistic in my opinion.

    NYC nights


    Cory, I wouldn't change a thing.  Thankyou so much for presenting a natural looking image. It doesn't look overly processed like so many do. A danger that I feel would be apparent if you lightened the indiviual.  He wouldn't have been lit any more than he is, so it "looks" correct. The whole image has a very "correct" look to it. I'm very surprised that you say you're new to photography.  

    For an image such as this there appears to be a little grainyness to it, which suites it very well.

    Please, don't change a thing.

    Regards, Derek.


  1. A very nice rendition Fred. A pleasant sense of serenity and peace. My only criticism is in the white balance that is apparent to me. It looks as if you applied a "Daylight" balance in CS6. I find there is too strong a hint of red in the overall picture which is what happens if you apply "Daylight" WB in ACR, I personally find a WB using "Flash" as the setting to have a better result. 

    Nevertheless, a beautiful photograph. Very pleasing.

    Regards, Derek.

    Summer Garden


    I like this very, very much. The fog does it all. Almost like a renaissance painting.

    The only image I have viewed "larger" today.   Beautifully processed.


    Best, Derek.



    Going Over


    I like this a lot. You have captured this very well, creating an un-nerving effect when viewed. There is so much there and yet, so little.

    Glad to see the 20D still providing great images. It continues to be a great camera.

    Regards, Derek.

    mountain stream


    I find this appealing, my kind of image. I suspect you have introduced some vignetting, probably in post processing. This heightens the drama, but unfortunately, sometimes reduces detail. I find that to be the case here. I think a very slight increase in overall exposure (exposure slider?) would be of benefit without unduly lessening the dynamics of the image. The dark areas, maybe just a tad too dark.

    Nevertheless, I like the image. A good effort. 

    Regards, Derek.



    This is a very dynamic image, one that causes me to look for a long time.

    I think your treatment of the sky is a little heavy handed, darkened a little too much for my taste. Where the sky contacts the rocks and distant mountains, there is a lightening of tone that I feel should be smoothed out to be made more consistent with the rest of the sky.

    Overall, however, I find this a very compelling image. Strong, with much to see. A little high on the contrast perhaps, but nevertheless a good image.

    Well done,

    Regards, Derek.




    The image is truly striking and I envy your experience. Personally, I feel this image should be severely cropped to virtually a square taking a very small amount off the left and chopping the image just slightly right of centre. The drama is the sun hitting the left side of the mountain. The right hand side of the image as a whole adds little, IMHO.

    I think then, it would be a "9"

    Just my observation.

    Best regards, Derek.



    Tastefully done. The most important subject material is in focus, and that's what matters. It's a delicate picture. How the out of focus areas were done does not matter (to me). The end result is appealing. I like it.

    Regards, Derek.

    Mount Assiniboine


    I agree with all of the comments so far. A beautiful image and one to be very proud of, I know I would be.

    However, I feel the title is wrong for this picture. In my opinion, you should add the words "Provincial Park" if you wish to keep the present words in the title, as "Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park" is what this photo is, or represents. Although Mt. Assiniboine is in the photograph, it is very much in the minority for subject material. 

    Sunburst Mountain is the main (mountain) subject here and thus, I feel, the title should bear its name.

    Nevertheless, congratulations on achieving this rendition. Very good indeed.


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