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Image Comments posted by JeffBryce

    Falls to Ogwen

    Tiny waterfalls connect FFynnon to Llyn Ogwen, as sunbeams stream over Tryfan, Snowdonia, Wales. Feb 10 2017. I processed this is black & white too (although I didn't post it); black & white helps to highlight the ice and sunbeams. Nikon D810, Zeiss 15mm, 6-stop ND, ISO 64, f/8, 2.5 seconds.

    Golden fleece!


    Laurent, I like this one best in your series of droopy ice-laden trees.  Nice composition and balance of gold and blue.  Vignette is perhaps a tad dark, but I know that's your personal preference.  Jeff 



    I like the composition.  I like the foreground.  But I don't care for crackled sky painterly effect.  For me, would be best all of one or the other. 



    This is an amazing butterfly.  Never seen one of these.  Too bad it's not in as good of focus as the leading edge of the leaf.  Do you have more of this butterfly? 



    The composition has great framing.  So many interesting elements (especially the bald fellow) draw the eye back to the subject's face.  Really super.  This has an old-edge feel to it, but the coffee cup with plastic lid brings it back to today.  Regards, Jeff 

  1. This doesn't pop like the B&W version.  The B&W has great contrast and the slow sky works better.

    Here, in colour, the bottom half feels dead and disconnected from the mountain and sky.  Probably a few simple tweaks in processing will do it.

  2. Color & shutter speed are very good.  Rocks & clouds are interesting.  I don't care for the human tracks in the sand and the vastness of sand in the lower left.  Did you take any verticals of this?

    Fresh tracks!


    Hi Laurent,

    For the horizontal shot, my guess is that you likely didn't touch the polarizer (i.e. you left it in the same position on the lens that you shot the vertical).  One of the problems with leaving a polarizer on all the time is that you need to remember to redial when you change orientations.



  3. This looks very nice viewed large.  I like how the tree is leaning into the wind.  There is a spot in the sky in upper left that you'll want to clean-up before printing.  Regards, Jeff

  4. Nice palette.  I like that the lighting is even throughout.  Love the mini lenticular clouds.  Although the human figures near the edge of the frame at lower right provide scale, I'd clone them out.  Regards, Jeff

  5. Back in my teens I was obsessed with the Civil War.  I grew out of it (somewhat) and it always fascinates me when I see people re-enacting things as simple as daily life from 150+ years ago.  I guess it's good fun on weekends & such, but Mennonites in our area do it 365 days a year!  This fellow appears content in his position as First Sergeant.  My guess is that he would not be happy with a promotion to Junior Lieutenant!


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