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Posts posted by s_hassan

  1. I recently bought Rebel Xt with 420EX, I have a 540Ez which I had

    bought from Ebay to use with Elan7e. I think from what I know that

    540EZ can not work as a master for wireless and only works in M mode

    with digitals if I am not wrong.

    I would like to know if there is any way I can use 540ez with my

    digital system.


    What possible combos and what settings do I need to use these

    flashes. Is it even possible? I know there are so many creative

    minds here. I hope someone can figure out a way to do it.




    My lenses(17-40, 50/1.4, 85/1.8, 70-200/4) if that is of any


  2. 1) I have used 350 for a week now. (after selling three week old 300D

    black) I think the finish of 350D is worse than the digital rebel.

    It is kind of rough texture which shows whitish marks like scratch

    marks with use. I dont know if anyone else has noticed it. (I have

    black model again.)



    2) -The size, I cant think of any good reason to make a camera this

    small and difficult to hold ergonomically other than a cheap

    marketing tactic on canon's part to sell the battery grip with this



    3) I cant even imagine how someone could put a 70-200/2.8IS size lens

    on this camera. It would probably be too big for this. Even my 70-

    200/4L look quite big enough on this one.


    BUT the speed and image quality and price are definitely the plus

    points. But are they good enough to tolarete the small size and

    finish. I think that is a personal decision.


    I think the best bet would have been if canon kept the same body as

    300D (preferably black) and changed the sensor and processor etc.


    Any opinions ?

  3. I could not open Raw files from My new RebelXt. It says the file is

    not supported or something like that.

    I have also installed the plugin from adobe which they said for the

    20D raw files. I thought rebel xt has the same raw files as 20D since

    I dont have a 20D so I dont know.

    Any suggestions, what to do

    Help please.

  4. I talked to BHphotovideo yesterday they dont give any dates but they have started to display it on their website but you can not put it in you cart till its available as opposed to so many other sellers who are taking orders(although claiming to charge the card at the time of shipping but who knows). I dont know about anybody else but this makes me trust BH more as I think this reflects on their business ethics. Anyway coming back to your question



    Amazon expected date march 20th, 2005


    But Ritz is taking orders and they have free shipping too. I called them last night and the sales person told me they are going to be shipping out these camera in one week.

  5. 1-In one of my previous posts about thinking to buy a rebelXT, I did

    mention the option to buy 580 with it but from all the

    recommendations it seemed like it is an overkill. 420ex should be

    enough. I was just looking up some more info and there is something

    mentioned about 580 that it sends color temp information to the

    camera for exposure etc. Is this only for 580 or 420 does that too.

    And if 420 deoes not then how big of a deal is that. Is it more of a

    marketing thing than of any practical value. And what difference

    does it make to the picture and in which situations. (sorry too many

    qestions in one sentence, probably overwhelmed by the curiosity)


    2- Another question about color temp. I was playing with a 20D at my

    local Bestbuy store and in the menu there is a section for Color

    temp where you can pick different settings for color temps. From the

    reviews of XT and its menu I dont think there is anything like that

    in its menu. a) What is that section and

    b) would that section make any difference as far as the color temp

    info "coming from 580" or info "not coming from 420" for that matter

    is concerned and what if I am using XT without any color temp



    These questions might be technically wrong or something very obvious

    for experienced photographers but please bear with me


    Will appreciate the answers. Again photonet has been a great

    learning opportunity.

  6. Hi I would like to thank you all for the resposes on my previous

    post yesteday. As suggested by everyone yesterday, I think I would

    go for 420EX instead of 580 to go with Rebel XT


    but there is another dilemma


    With XT Should I get the kit lens with it or buy the body alone and

    get 17-40/4L with it.


    Are there any disadvantages in buying 17-40 instead of kit. I mean

    is kit lens better in any way. (other than 55mm vs 40 mm in the long

    end) and will maximum aperture of 3.5(kit) vs 4.0 (17-40) be a big

    difference. How about other features


    OR should I get them both. Keeping in view the other lenses that I

    have (50/1.4, 85/1.8, 70-200/4L)


    Again suggestions, expert opinions, comments will be appreciated.



  7. I am not a professional photographer. Just do travel, family,

    landscapes etc. Prob a little bit of everything.(50/1.4, 85/1.8, 70-

    200/4.0L, Elan7e)

    I just sold My 3week old DRebel for $750 on ebay after the Xt came

    out. But now I am split between buying the XT with a good flash

    (580EX) vs just buying the 20D for about the same money. I know 20D

    is still a better camera than XT but this way I will probably get a

    good flash, as I think investing in a flash with Xt would be better

    than to spend the whole money on just the camera (and I think this

    flash model will stay for sometime as opposed to the cameras)


    The other reason of leaning towards XT would be the ability to use

    IR remote. Although to get one with 20D is possible (LC-4) but still

    it is another piece of equipment to carry around when travelling

    with the camera. Unless someone at this forum can give suggest

    another solution


    Anyway the reason for posting this question is to get your expert

    opinions and any recommendations. Will appreciate


  8. I know it might sound silly, no doubt 20D is a better camera than XT.but the only reason I am not buying 20D is because of not being able to use IR remote as I use it a lot for photography, family portraits while travelling. Although to get one with 20D is possible (LC-4) but still it is another piece of equipment to carry around when travelling with the camera. Unless someone at this forum can give suggest another solution


    PS I just sold my brand new rebelD kit for 750 on ebay.

  9. Does anyone know when is B&H going to start selling the Rebel XT.

    Looking at their prior record with new models can anyone predict how

    soon do they usually start. As amazon is already accepting orders


    Any estimates


  10. Well as I said this was a questions for the experts and I am glad to hear from all of you. special thanks to Bob Atkins.

    As far as viewfinder is concerned I dont think change in its quality really matters in low light as it is probably difficult to use it for manual focus in lowlight anyway whether 300D or 350D. Although apparently they seem to claim that it is brighter now. I agree overall Xt might be a better camera as I have used 300D and 20D and with exactly same settings pictures from 20D look better prob just because of more MP or prob better metering

  11. I know Rebel XT is being compared to 20D and is being evaluated how

    it would stand against 20D. But my question is about its comparison

    with current DRebel(300D) which I own. Certain advantages that I can

    think of would be ETTL II and more megapixel quicker startup time.


    I have couple of questions


    1- How would you compare XT to 300D with Russian Hackware? Are there

    any custom functions or other functions missing in the XT as

    compared to current Rebel with extra functions from hackware.


    2- Is smaller size and weight of XT going to be a disadvantage if

    using with a larger Zoom (70-200) as far as stabilizing the camera

    is concerned?


    3- Any difference in the Kit lens as compared to the one with 300D?


    In essence is XT worth upgrading from 300D. In other words should I

    sell 300D on ebay before 350D is out and its price really plunges.

  12. I think what you are calling preflash is actually autofocus assist flash and you can disable it through custom functions. the other way to disable would be to use an external flash with infrared autofocus assist which will not send flash bursts with focusing, only red grid. eg. 420ex or 550 ex or sigma.

    the other light you are talking about is to prevent the red eye. You can disable that too if you want.

    Read the manual for how to disable AF assist and red eye reduction light.

  13. I think even if you dont use the widest aperture , the benefit of a lens with wider aperture is that it permits more light when the shutter is wide open(which is the case all the time except when you push the shutter button all the way to take the picture) and this helps the camera focus easier in low light. So a lens with an aperture of 1.4 will focus easier than a lens with an aperture of 4.0 in lowlight even if you are using a shutter speed of 4.0 on both of them. As the lens with an aperture of 1.4 will stop down to 4.0 only when the picture is being taken and not when you are focusing it while the lens with an aperture of 4.0 will have an aperture of 4.0 even when you are focusing and thereby permitting less light.

    I hope this answers your question.

    I hope I am right as I am not an expert.

  14. Hi I have a Drebel with following lenses. Kit lens18-55, 50/1.4,

    85/1.8, 70-200/4L. I am planning to get something for wide angle to

    replace the kit lens in future. I think it would be either 17-40/4L

    or 16-35/2.8. I have searched to find comparison between these two

    lenses but didnt find anything concrete. If anyone knows any thread

    on their comparison, it would be helpful. How do they compare

    optically , other than the obvious differences in price and aperture.

    As well as any expert opinion on these two lenses if anyone has used

    them would be great.


    However I see 17-40 recomended far more frequently than 16-35.

    reason? Thanks again

  15. I just got the 50/1.4 for my 300D and took some pictures. I find a

    very significant darkness in the corners especially at 1.4. It

    doesnt disappear till I go down to 4.0

    Well I dont know what will be the benefit of buying a fast lens if I

    cant use it without having an aperture larger than 4.0 in lowlight

    without getting the dark corners. Does that defeat the purpose of

    having a large apperture.


    Is it normal for this lens. I read in the reviews it happens with

    50/1.8 and even that is not so obvious on digital due to 1.6

    cropping factor, but for 50/1.4 despite cropping factor......


    Is it some fault with this particular copy of the lens? Should I

    return this lens to B&H? But then I wont get my tripple rebate on D

    Rebel as 1/31/05 is the last day to purchase any items for that


    Help please<div>00Ayt6-21657784.thumb.jpg.73ba2e508a1efa7b2b9fc6d2f309a57a.jpg</div>

  16. I heard that there is a new version of 420EX coming later this year that will work with the Rebel D. I read it in one of the posts on this forum. I dont know if that is true or not. That might be an option worth waitng for if you dont want to loose your RebelD warranty by installing Russian Hack.


    Any comments by anyone who knows more about the next20Ex

  17. I hope this is not a stupid question. I am wondering which would be

    a better option optically to be used for closeup,macro and regular

    photography. As I have been reviewing the 50/1.4or1.8 lenses and I

    havent come across any review that has rated 50mm/2.5macro optically

    superior to the 50/1.4or1.8, if we use 250D with these lenses would

    that combination work better than 50/2.5 alone.


    50mm/1.4or1.8+250D vs 50mm/2.5 compact macro

    Any pros or cons( other than the cost factor)

  18. I have seen 50/1.8 recommended quite a few times.

    I have a question for everyone, particularly Yakim Peled.

    is there any reason to recommend 50/1.8 instead of 50/1.4 other than

    it being cheaper. (I have a rebel D)


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