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Posts posted by minicucci

  1. David: I really do not know what PhotoRa is but if it's a matte finish, you might look into

    Moab's Entrada Bright White (versus Natural). It is a very bright, almost cold-toned paper

    that works well with the 2200. I don't use IP and I do have a custom profile made for the

    paper. I did not like the look of the canned profile at all but the custom profile made all of

    the difference.


    IP is renowned for having excellent, specifically IP-tuned "canned" profiles for a wide range

    of papers and I know that they have them for the Entrada line.

  2. Thanks for all of the clarifications. Bob, I probably should have read the rules a little more

    carefully. On the other hand, there is a difference between rules and etiquette.


    Amul, I appreciate your kind words. And I am glad you found the Critique-Only forum!


    Rab, I think it is fine to let critiquers know when you'd prefer no alternative or illustrative

    postings. I'd certainly honor that. It may dampen more substantive responses, but clearly,

    that's something you seem prepared to accept. In the example given above, no such

    preference was listed.

  3. Is it generally considered good or bad form to offer a tweaked version of an image

    submitted for critique? (Emphasis is on "generally" since there are exceptions for



    I am a relatively recent member of Photo.net and I actually enjoy contributing critiques

    (versus ratings), mostly because I learn a lot by looking at the work of others. My

    selections for comment usually fall into three categories: 1.) striking works (IMO) that

    merit outright praise; 2.) strong images that appear to me to have some additional

    potential; and 3.) images with some glaring faults (IMO) whose author has asked/pleaded

    for some input via the critique-only forum.


    Categories #1 and #3 are easy. Category #2 is where my question resides. Initially, I would

    never have presumed to offer an alternative view of an image. Then, a member here

    offered me a revised crop on one of my own photographs that improved the image

    significantly. Frankly, I was grateful for the input and realized that the tweaked version

    spoke more eloquently than words ever would have. So, thereafter, I began to post some

    tweaked versions (usually just cropping/alignment/color balance stuff) <b>if</b> I

    thought the artist's request for feedback was best served by a visual example that could

    also be critiqued by other reviewers.


    Today, I read the following quote from one member who had specifically asked for critique

    and had encountered a posted, alternative view of his work: <blockquote> You guys just

    don't get it.. I for one do NOT appreciate you taking my photograph and doing what you

    feel is the right thing. Please don't ever do that again to my photography.</blockquote>

    So, I am wondering if this member is more the exception or the rule?

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