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Image Comments posted by minicucci



    I agree with Vincenzo. I also think the shot is over-sharpened. And there is a white halo on the upper part of the hand (a maskng artifact?) As a composition, though, it is a great image. I'd try a redo, toning down the highlights, the overall contrast and easing up on sharpening.


    One trick with animal photos is to pay extra attention to the eyes, using burn & dodge techniques to get rid of that milky opacity that using flash creates.



    Nathan: Bubba looks like a great dog!. I'd recommend that you recrop the image. There is too much bland background that adds nothing to the visual center of the running dog. Attached is one suggestion, emphasizing Bubba and his shadow. I also rejiggered the channel mix (luminosity only) to give greater texture detail to bubba's coat.


    My Doll



    It's a nice shot, but two things strike me. First, focus seems a bit off: the doll is sharper than the girl. Assuming this was not intentional, it is best to focus on the nearest eye of the portrait subject. Second, the blown highlights of the background are distracting and the bright yellows do not complement the "pink" attributes of the subject. I'd also brighten the subject's face


    If you shot raw, you could try blending two raw conversions; one exposed for the background and the other for the subject.


    Powerful shot. And a great caption. I am embarrassed to admit it but it was the caption that made me see the reflected passers-by. You have captured the poignancy of the moment brilliantly.

    seashore treasure

    Not too much space. I really like the crop. But maybe a bit too monochromatic for such a quiet subject. I really like this image but think it has not reached its full potential. Were you after a noise effect? Or is that just high ISO?


    Phil: My immediate reaction is that this shot captures a great moment but needs more contrast to bring it to life. I also wish the background clutter was not there. What is riveting is the dog's very expressive face.



    Hi Todd:

    I like everything about this image, except for one thing (and that may only be the JPG presentation). The focal point seems a bit out of focus and from an image standpoint, would seem better served by very sharp focus.

    The composition, use of reflection and selectively blown highlights are all very well done and quite original.

    My cats


    I laughed out loud the instant I saw this shot. The expression (and milk chin) of the cat looking up is priceless but what makes the shot is the other cat's completion of the diagonal and the off center bowl of milk.


    Nice lighting and color too. An interesting and fun shot.


    Beautiful animal. I think the image would benefit from pushing up exposure and setting the black point back, especially to bring some life back to the eyes. I also would have cloned/healed out the debris on the bear's forehead.
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