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Image Comments posted by DELETE THIS ACCOUNT


    Good job with a nice playful portrait; good use of depth of field to put the emphasis on the subject and not surroundings; might be worth playing around with a slightly tighter crop to remove a little more, but not all, of the tree. You may already have it just right but I find it a bit heavy still, pulling my eye away from the subject. Nice to see a rectangular shooter not afraid of "the square"!
  1. Image works well enough; if it were possible (either with aperture or "zooming in with your feet") to thrown the background even more out of focus that might have helped. Also I find myself wishing I could see a little more detail of the vehicle, even though your manipulations (well intended) are trying to make this an overall "mood" shot.


    My first blush reaction is that I wish the musician was not in the frame and this was composed to stress a "throwaway society" theme.
  2. A stunning fall and good use of shutter speed pair up to make this running water shot stand tall. Two observations - the branch with broad leaves in the upper right seems to intrude on the image, I find my eye drawn to it when I'd rather not be distracted from the falls; in addition I wonder if the green is a bit too vivid in the area of greater light to the left of the falls. Regardless it does look lush. Nice image.



    Like the scene and composition; think I might have considered recomposing or cropping to remove just a little of the lower right, and/or possibly removing the clouds in upper right. Likely might have shot cloud in, cloud out.


    One thing though - scan looks like an chrome with grain - perhaps your scanner has a digital "ICE" feature. Web size it looks fine as is but might be an issue enlarged if done digitally off this scan.

    Georgian Bay

    Very dramatic sky, in particular I like the texture of the bright band 1/3 down from the top. Pretty to look at but without some other unique element within the frame to make it further stand out from all the other sky scenes, I wouldn't print it.

    Dark Places

    Nice creamy tones; if you have a closer shot of one of the groupings, it would be interesting to see that by comparison, and also to see more detail of these. Am wishing just a little more shadow detail were present, but not at the expense of the fungi of course.


    Wondering what this would look like without the musician on the left being divorced from the body... also a slower shutter speed might have been very interesting (to capture more of the movement of the conductor)

    The Road Home


    This is a fairly straight forward representation of a pleasing scene, one that once upon a time I'd have taken but today would previsualize this outcome and probably passed on (or found another composition) without exposing the film.


    Certainly it could be used to good effect for a specific purpose - documentary for example. There's nothing wrong with this shot although recomposition might have found other ways to use the road and/or experiemented with different camera elevation. I very much like that you've avoided the dead on centred view; The repeating pattern elements (trees) have some interest in their own right and I see you have other photos which explore this well.


    Had there been interesting / unusual light to jack up the emotional content, no doubt I would react more strongly to this.


    edit: while I'm not a fan of digital manipulation generally, I have a suspicion that this might look nice with a tasteful application of some sort of "watercolour" or "canvas" or "oil paint" effect, for a completely different image.

    Ocean Sunset

    Interesting colours, values, and textures (in particular the drier part of the beach). I wonder if the bright dash of light distracts from the main subject matter in this - perhaps experiement with crops that exclude most or all of the brightest values in the sky?
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