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Image Comments posted by deleteaccount

  1. You know I thought this was a cracking shot until he said that, now I realize Its absolute pants and wasn't worth the effort, I mean you may as well go and delete it now...


    oh, wait, on second thoughts maybe I will control that green eyed monster and channel my jealousy and use it to improve my own work and ofcourse admit I'm inspired by your efforts ;)

  2. The lighting and composition work well here but it's the originality that separates this from the rest. The light in the valley acts as an excellent lead in and enhances the shot wonderfully. Excellent take on this well photographed corner of the globe!

    Ghost Work

    Thank you David, I will read up on that site as well as 16-9, both seem to have good information on the lenses I mentioned. With regards to software, capture one is my first choice. Lighroom combined with CS4 is better than Bridge combined with CS4 as it offers a much better workflow and heaps of other stuff.

    Ghost Work


    I have been reading up alot recently on lens choices, I mainly shoot between 21mm to 200mm. Canon lenses are great from 70mm upwards although I am selling the 70-200 f/2.8 tonight and purchasing the f/4 version as it's both lighter and slightly sharper for my landscape work. All this changing of lenses does leave me wondering how good the 24L MKII is going to be and will leave me kicking myself should it outperform either of the Carl Zeiss wide angle lenses. Meh, we will have to wait and see ;) With today's adaptors there is certainly no reason to stick with Canon wide angle lenses until they catch up, I just wish I done my research when I discovered landscape photography last year. I am lucky to have come across your portfolio and read alot of your posts regarding lens choices, all of which are very true and give remarkable results compared to the normal Canon choices! For that I am grateful, thank you.


    By the way, do you use Camera Raw or Capture one for you RAW files? I recently made the switch to Capture one which gives better colour and possibly finer detail (very little) but the sharpening in Capture one introduces small grey artifacts so I avoid sharpening in the program all together. Having said that CS4 and Camera Raw 5 is now giving much better colour than before and more closely matches Capture One now. I would be interested in knowing what your thoughts are on Raw converters.

    Ghost Work


    Great shot David. You inspired me to purchase new equipment and I have bought Carl Zeiss 21 f/2.8, 28 f/2 and contax N 35-70 along with the Canon 5D mkII when it arrives. I expect to produce much better images in the corners with this new gear now in the post. I am also still considering the Zork adapters we spoke about, especially the MFS for tilt shift so I can use the medium format lenses at there prime apertures. Can't wait to get in the field!


    One thing I sure hope the Carl Zeiss fixes is the horrible yellow/warm colour tone, especially noticeable on images with grass, etc. I prefer the more realistic/blueish colour myself.

  3. Wonderfully exposed Paolo, I find the movement of the clouds captivating with the stillness of the scene. Colour saturation looks very natural and everything falls into place beautifully. Congrats, you bagged a real winner here. Straight into my favourites (my first one too) Regards, John.
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