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Image Comments posted by lee_s.1

  1. I think that this is a good promising subject to come back to for a reshoot. On this particular image however, I think that you have tried to include to many things and the impact of the main subject is lost. Try zeroing in on more of the details of the image by either using a zoom or just simply getting closer. So personally, not to be mean but to be honest, there is not so much that strikes me as interesting in this image, but it is overall technically pleasing. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Michael, I did not use any filters on this --- it was so close to dusk that it worker out that the sky and the water in the river could be exposed properly. I do have other versions of this shot taken from slightly earlier in which there is no glare from the sun --- if you would like to see those as well feel free to contact me.


    Thanks for all of the comments!


    Wow! Wonderful blues and expression. Perfect contrast of colors --- this image is really a superb portrait. I like how you have captured the essence of what the model was thinking as well as the essence of the mood of the photograph. Wonderful job!

    Venice Poles

    This makes me miss Venice! The faces of these old buildings make marvelous subjects and you have captured it well. The two poles in the front give a sense of authority and the ages building in the background shows frailty. Lovely shot.

    The Olders

    This shot seems to lack two things. The contrast is very low here as it is just a very narrow range of grays without any whites and blacks in the 2 and 9 sector. Also, compositionally, this is not very strong. I feel that the head of the in focus man on the right is too close to the bottom of the frame and it looks uncomfortable. If you had the man on the left in focus and cropped so that it is just him in the frame, then you would have a more pleasing portrait. Always room for improvement, better luck next time and happy shooting :)

    portrait 04

    An interesting portrait that for some reason strikes me as very moving. Everything seems so dark and sultry and the posture of the father or adult seems disheartening and the expression on the far child seems neutral and ambiguous. However, the cathlight in the eye of the main subject, the toddler gives the mood of the entire piece a feeling of hope. Wonderful job of expressing.


    I like the softness and DOF on this shot. Just the tinyiest hint of a catchlight in the model's eyes make this have some life to it. I think that the angle at which the shot was taken could have been improved, but it is an overall pleasing image.
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