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Posts posted by dfperrault

  1. I have an Eizo L778 monitor connected with a dvi cable to my

    computer, which I am trying to calibrate with Monaco XR Pro.


    When I run the Monaco calibration, I am asked to set the brightness

    contrast, whitepoint and gamma on the monitor.


    Which method should I use to adjust these values:


    1. Hardware buttons on the front of the monitor.


    2. Video card driver software adjustment located under control

    panel:display:advanced settings:color


    3. Eizo software control via USB connection from computer to monitor.


    It is important to note that I can adj the contrast using the

    software methods but not with the hardware buttons.Under all

    condtions I would need to set the monitor temp to 6500K using the

    front panel buttons.


    Eizo recommends #2 the video card software adjustment. Monaco said

    that I can only profile not calibrate the monitor using method#1

    because the there is no front panel contrast adjustment. They did

    not comment on the software methods.


    I did try Method #1 and could only get an Av. dE=4, on the color

    patch test which seems high. I suspect I should be able to get it

    down to 1-2

  2. Paul


    Your optics still look like they are dirty. A misaligned mirror would most likely clip the image on one of the edges. I suspect if you were to shine a lamp at an angle to the optic you would see a haze on the surface.


    Cleaning lenses and mirrors can be more difficult than one would expect. I use only an ultra high pure grade Methanol or Ethanol (>99.9% pure, spectrophotometric grade, or HPLC grade) you can get this at www.sigma-aldrich.com. It is expensive($50-60 w/ haz. shipping) but a 1-2 L bottle will last you a life time. It is safe on photographic mirrors and lens coatings. If you have a friend who works in a biotech/science lab he/she will surely have few oz. that they will gladly give to you.


    Isopropanol from the drug store is 91% at best, the rest is mostly water. This will leave a residue behind from dirt and oils not dissolved by the alcohol and removed by the lens tissue. I have also never had any luck cleaning lenses with typical lens cleaning. However you may need to resort to lens cleaning fluid if you are in a hurry.


    I agree with Bob, don't use Acetone regardless of purity. Dissolved plastic is near impossible to remove from optics mounted in an instrument. In additon, only use lens paper, cotton balls/swabs are course and may scratch optical coatings.


    Cleaning an optic is an iterative process which takes me at least 3-4 times (each time with a new lens tissue) if the lens is only mildly dirty. First I fold a piece of lens tissue multiple times in one direction into a 10mm wide strip. I then fold the srtip in half in the other direction. Be careful not to touch the central portion of the paper with you fingers. Apply the solvent. Then gently wipe the surface of the optic in a serpentine pattern from top to bottom. Repeat this several times until clean (each time with a new sheet of paper). You should be able to get to the point were any solvent applied to the optic will evaporate without leaving any residue.



    Let me know if you have anymore questions



  3. I have tried to calibrate my Minolta 5400II scanner by scanning an

    Ektachrome IT8 Target (W. Faust). I then create ICC file with AIM

    Image FX free software. I am careful to scan in the slide (16-bit

    linear) without any image enhancement from the Minolta scanner



    After I create the ICC file, I then open the orignial scanned IT8

    image in photoshop. I then use image:mode:assign to assign ICC file

    to orignial scanned IT8, which should match the colors of image to

    the original IT8 slide. Instead, I get an overexposed image with a

    magenta cast. My monitor is calibrated using Monaco XR pro.


    Any suggestions?






  4. I would like to calibrate my Minolta 5400 II scanner with an IT8

    target. There seems to be several options availible. I was

    considering Vuescan but the dust removal feature doesn't seem to be

    nearly as good as ICE 4 for my slides which is supplied with the

    Minolta software. I have already calibrated my monitor with Monaco

    XR pro.



    Can anyone comment on the qualtiy of calibration with the following

    programs, there maybe some others that I haven't listed.



    1. InCamera Software



    2. Silverfast



    3. Monaco EZ color









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