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Posts posted by boris_ochan

  1. "Getting personal, are we"


    Only in as much as you're the guy who "personally" disparages a really good lens (which by

    your own admission you have no experience of) over and

    over again, paying absolutely no attention to the positive words of actual users. Why are

    the views of photographers of less importance to you than those of lens testers? All

    modern lenses, bar a few dirt cheap zooms, are good enough. They might not be good

    enough for a strange guy with a resolution chart, but they're good enough to make

    compelling images.

  2. Mike the 28mm f1.8 is good enough for you and me (though since moving to cameras

    with a 1.6x sensor I've started using the 24 1.4), and, for what it's worth, Jim Nachtwey

    and Gilles Peress. It's not good enough for Yakim - he's so disconcerted by this particular

    lens that he now attacks it in duplicate. Nothing can be said that will

    reassure him that it's a usable lens, but other people can draw their own conclusions.

  3. Trevor, a few months back I stopped off in HK to buy a big stack of Sandisk CF cards from

    a dealer called Tin Cheung and saw they were selling the Rolleiflex for (I think) around

    15000 HKDollars (currently around a thousand pounds). It caught my eye because I hadn't

    actually realised that they were in production; they also had the wide-angle version but I

    don't recall the price. Some cameras (like Canon) in HK are no cheaper than in the US but

    others (like Leicas and the Rolleiflex) have very low prices. You could try emailing Jennifer

    (speaks good English and is very straightforward) at Tin Cheung (go to


  4. Probably the biggest irony is that most of the people here who are open to the positive

    qualities of digital are also the people who I'd put my money on to be able to use a Leica

    and Tri-x meaningfully, and, for that matter, go into a wet darkroom and knock out a

    beautifully balanced fiber based print. I doubt that there's a single member of the lens cap

    and bokeh brigade who's a truly competent photographer (using any medium). Leicas are

    nice cameras, but let's be honest the glory days for Leica are well and truly over. Maybe

    this forum is coming to the end of its useful days just like the company that inspired


  5. Don't worry Ricky it's not the number of the beast that's suddenly appeared in your

    viewfinder. The number (or a number) is always there to indicate the minimum number of

    frames the buffer can handle in a burst (dependant on quality setting) - rattle off a few

    frames and you'll see the number temporarily go down. The lens is either broken or (much

    more likely), in the cold, you've fumbled with your gloves and knocked it off AF.......

  6. "Leicas....the price of new ones is way beyond the reach of most younger photographers.

    We need a way to allow these people to join us that fits their budget!"


    Al, I see where you're coming from but I can't agree. If younger photographers just cut

    down on the drink, drugs, and fast living then they could easily find the deposit for an a la


    MP. Let's keep it clean round here, let's keep it Leica.......

  7. I'm not sure why anybody loses sleep over "evaluating" marginal differences in sharpness.

    The reality is that pretty much all modern lenses give way more sharpness than is needed

    to make meaningful photographs. Rather than waste any more time with test charts and

    brick walls why not just see if the lens will make pleasing images? It does for plenty of



  8. RJ, why have you quoted from the Luminous Landscape review in a such a deliberatedly

    misleading manner? It just seems really strange to set out to misinform. Here's the actual



    "The only real clunker in terms of performance is the 24mm f1.4L - and then only in the

    corners and when used wide open at f1.4. No big surprise here."


    He's actually saying the reverse of what you imply. If you want your fast wides to perform

    faultlessly wide open "exactly like is done with fast telephoto lenses" then you're going to

    continue to be disappointed - whether you use Canon, Nikon or Leica......

  9. Simon, I'm still not sure what exactly it is you don't like about Tin Cheung. Where does it's

    "bad reputation" come from? I'm a repeat customer because I get better service and prices

    from them than anywhere else I've tried in HK. I'd encourage people to try them, plus the

    other dealers mentioned, and reach their own conclusions.

  10. RJ, there really isn't a "plethora of camera choices" for a press photographer. I've no idea

    where you live, but wherever I've been (N.America, Europe, Asia) the 1d/1dll is the

    commonest choice of camera - to state that non-sports photographers are "NOT buying"

    them is demonstrably absurd (as is the concept of a 24mm lens that is only sharp with

    slow film and a tripod).

  11. Simon, Tin Cheung obviously polarises opinions as you know from previous threads where

    you've expressed reservations about them. As to most photographers not using them, I

    guess we know different photographers in Hong Kong. A lot of working photographers in

    HK favor


    above anywhere else because of the sheer range that they have in stock. However, I'll


    that they

    probably aren't the dealer of choice if you want to be pampered while running through the

    options for your a la carte MP.

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