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Posts posted by rodrigo_pinto1

  1. Yes, I'm sorry about the price simbol, I put the euro simbol, don't know what happend. the price was 600 タ (euros).

    I was only trying to know if the price was right or not, because I didn'y have the chance to view the camera for a long time. Other thing was my father beging to talk to the seller and telling that I bought one leica IIIc for 50タ euros(of course I had to sent to repair and cleaning-the camera only shooted the lower speed's,but know its oki,only thing is the crome that is old), and the seller began to act arrogant and my father and I turn away and left joking about the "we can not shot and touch the cameras..."!

    I have a nice leica, only thing that I want to buy when I have the money is a M3.

    In Portugal any thing that's old, the seller's think that it value is high, so I was only trying to know.

    Thanks for the replys.

  2. Yesterday, in the monthly antique market of my home town, I saw a

    leica II (I think it was this model) and the seller wanted 600� for

    the camera. The camera was fine by the exterior and I think that

    work perfectly, but the seller asked not to shoot with the cameras

    that he was selling.

    Well do You think that the price was right, expensive or cheap?

  3. Hello, possibly there are many post's like this but I need some

    advice's. I bought a Rolleicord Vb, type 2 possibly, I think. By

    what I have readed I need to buy some filter's, but wich one's? The

    camera has the Xenar 1:3,5/75. I noticed that the camera has the

    possibility to take pics with 35 mm film. But I think I need a

    accessory. Do you know what is it?

    I thank you for any responce.

  4. Well It's possible that the camera is a IIIb model, but important issue is the price they ask me, 900? for a IIIb in age/use codition with lack of some part's is to laught. That's was I was trying to show. Here, if a people see the name Leica in and old camera, and it's not a fake, they put right away a big valor to the piece. I feel sorry for the person that will buy it.
  5. Olá, my story goes like this: learning that in the universaty town

    of Portugal - Coimbra, were I study - were an antique shop that

    sell's cameras, I went looking what they have to offer. Wen I

    arrived I saw a fiew cameras in display and noticed a Leica. I went


    The camera had a small cardbord paper in top saying the

    year "1939/1940". At first look the camera looked like a model IIIb,

    it had the 2 speed selector's, in the middle lower speed selector I

    saw the screw that it's caracteristic in model's IIIa and IIIb

    (corrected if I'm wrong)but then I notice that the viewfinder and

    rangefindwer windows were together like in the IIIc model. The

    higher speed selector had the Z and speed's until 1/1000.

    Also the adjust lever of the rangefinder was under the rewinding nob

    and it was in "style" of the first IIIc's(by something that I readed

    in one site,don't remember what)

    The lens was a elmar of 50 mm and the serial number of the camera

    was 333....something; I didn't memorise it. Since I don't have any

    pic to show your the camera, one of the last IIIb or one of the

    first IIIc?

    The camera was in use/aged condition, it lack on of the protection

    of the rangefinder window, the black protection of the view and

    rangefinder viewer's and the prism were all dirty, possible duste

    and particule's. Don't know the condition of the mechanical part's

    or the lens.

    The price that they asked me? 900?, so tipical in my contry...

  6. I thank you for your advices. Well, why another camera, because I also like to colect and haver more than one leica rangefinder. Yes, Idon't take so many pics that I want because the IIIc don't haver the flash connection. And I also read that the flash sicronyzation is better in the IIIg that in the IIIf. The M issue, is because I'm reading a lot of a good things about her.

    Buying from abroad, well the shippment rates from the US are very expensive and many seller's dont Euro's. Even if the dolar is low the tax to buy it in bank are not so low. The problem of seeding my IIIc to arrange in Portugal is: returning in the same way or even worst because the inexperience of the "fixer" or not returning, in the worst possible way. But I thank you for the advices.

  7. I own a Leica IIIc,but until I find someone in Portugal that set in

    order, I also want to buy other. I was thinking a IIIf or a IIIg or

    going to the M, the M3. Of course money is the prime issue so which

    model. And a avice where to buy is also welcome.

  8. Hello. I'm a new member and appolosige if a similar question was

    already posted. I recently adquired a Leica IIIc on ebay. The price

    was cheap and camera works fine at lower speed's (from T to 1/100).

    Then from 1/200 to 1/1000 I can't take pictures because the "curtain

    release is tripping at the same time as the first curtain" problem.

    My question is were I can go our send the camera for repair and if

    it is expensive or not to repar this problem. I live in Portugal so

    I don?t know if exist this possibility.


    My second question is, if there is a possible to dismont a Hector

    135 mm.f/4.5 to clean the lens, if it's easy and a guide to do it.

    I' sorry for my english.

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