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Image Comments posted by dennisdixson

  1. I would not have guessed that this was taken with a wide angle. I guess I am looking for a near & far type composition to give it more perspective or depth. I think this is more of an issue with my expectations rather than the photo.


    It seems as though I have thought about making an image like this before but I don't think I have ever actually gotten around to trying it or else I failed so miserably that it got discarded somewhere along the way. I'm pretty sure that if someone had to do this for an advertisement or some other commercial use that they would resort to some sort of composite image.


    I hope I remember all this by the time Fall comes around again because I think it is a rather interesting idea. Probably a better idea (commercially successful idea) would be having an attractive blonde woman throwing the leaves up in the air and using a combination of fill flash and shutter drag to get both motion and a nicely exposed portrait. Maybe that would be too much of a cliche.


    I would consider cropping this top/right to reinforce the diagonal composition with the cloud which I find to be the most interesting part of the image. I thought maybe a motion blur might add something but in the end I don't think my efforts made any improvement over the original.




    It's good to hear a fresh perspective on these old photos. The copyright notice is a necessary evil because of people who insist on using these photographs on their personal websites and blogs without notice or permission. If everything I eat, see or wear has to have someone else's name or logo on it then I'm sure as hell going to stick my name on a couple of things myself. You'll just have to learn to ignore it like all the rest.


    When I look at this now I wonder if I should have treated it differently somehow. It is nearly an abstract in many ways and keeps pulling me back to an idea that I had earlier that no one else seemed to get at the time. We live in an era of the single release but in fact you need a whole album or book to really tell a proper story. Each image should stand on its own but there is something really powerful about a set of images shown as a collection to support a concept or idea.


    Powerful and expensive which is unfortunate; so here we are on the internet looking at tiny scrints instead of nice big display prints in a large room with tall walls while we sip beverages and chat with the lovely Monica, who runs the gallery in the evening and talks about other famous artists that she admires. Blue haired ladies with tiny dogs in baskets wander in and out of the gallery nodding in approval and speak quietly about a time when they were young. The sun begins to set and the sky turns to indigo ink as the first stars begin to twinkle.

    24 HRS

    Wonderfully odd. It looks like it could stand to be sharpened a bit or that I am not fully awake yet. Maybe that's why I like it - because it describes the crazy always on world we live in these days.
  2. Leaves... ? Oh good, for a moment there I thought my head had exploded.


    This does look a bit static, or as though time has suddenly stopped for a moment which I suppose it has. That cloud looks sort of like a Genie gazing down from above. Old man Winter?


    Why photoshop this? Is there something very special about this particular moment or can you try doing a few more at various shutter speeds? Perhaps a wider angle lens would give it a more three dimensional look. If you want to pay to fly me out there I could throw some more leaves off the roof while you take photos. I also think some more colorful leaves are in order unless you decide to go for B&W. I think the leaves need to be more prominent in the frame or this needs to be viewed a lot larger. Some people might think you just don't clean your lens very often.


    Sorry, it's too early in the morning for serious thought. ;-)

  3. My brain keeps trying to generate ideas to fit this photo.

    Hey diddle, diddle,

    The cat and the fiddle,

    The cow jumped over the MOON,

    The little dog laughed to see such fun,

    And the DISH ran away with the spoon.

    I think we should stick with your explanation instead. ;-)

  4. Thanks for commenting. I feel like this is a bit lacking on the technical side of things but it does capture an interesting moment. The girl in the boots is the bride to be and the other two are her bridesmaids. They were part of a larger group I had been taking photos of earlier. I like the eye contact with the girl in the center of the group.
  5. Now you are an official member of the photography arms race.


    I was not sure what to make of that street photography video. I guess if photos of startled or angry people is what you want then that would be a good way to get them.


    I'm sort of from the camp that says you should photograph the scene without influencing it. The guy in the video seemed more like the type who would start a fire just to photograph people's reaction to fire. It just seems backwards.


    I guess using the flash from two feet away gives you a chance to get away while your subject if temporarily (lets hope) blinded. I don't recall ever seeing anyone else use flash for street photography before (at least not as a weapon).


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the video.


    Any man who has ever lived with a woman and has suffered an expedition through the pantyhose jungle hanging in the bathroom will realize that you got the title exactly right.
  6. This did bring Kent's style to mind. I dig all the folds and wrinkles of his uniform and the Mickey Mouse gloves. Very cool.


    I just saw a video this morning about a New York street photographer. The way he was getting in people's faces was sort of disturbing. Check it out if you have time.


  7. Yes, I believe I have gone round the bend and probably in the wrong direction of travel. Then on the other hand I may have lapped everyone else while they were in the pits.


    There is always something worth shooting just about everywhere (here, there, everywhere).

  8. Perhaps a bloody tissue next to the glasses would have had more emotional impact. Alternate title suggestion, "Turning A Blind Eye." Nice work.


    I'm waiting for some person to post the companion shot which has a bloody sheep's eye hanging out of one side of a pair of frames.

  9. Here is an interesting story from the fringes of political correctness.


    I find it odd that you can ask a man to risk life and limb for something he has no interest in and then ban him from telling anyone about his own religious inclinations. Combine this with the story from a few days ago when a soldier was reprimanded and relieved of duty for shooting up a copy of the Quran.


    Of course it's perfectly OK to shoot and kill people but damn the fool who shoots at a book. I guess none of the thousand smart bombs we have dropped on the country ever destroyed any holy books before so it was OK to single out this one guy for sharpening his skills in order to serve the greater mission.

    It was a stupid thing to do but it is also no small wonder that we can't make any progress considering our stupid ideas about how to conduct a war. We are as the cliche states, "Our own worst enemy."

  10. OK, I admit it. I didn't get it. Now if you had called it, "God is no respecter of persons." (Acts 10:34) That would have been a whole different story.


    Hmmm... Maybe I did get it anyway. Yes, I think I will allow my answer, "God is no respecter of liquids..." Oh, that's not what I said. I guess I did get it wrong after all.


    If you can figure out how to talk about God and not talk about religion then you are my hero; because the two things seem pretty exclusive of each other in my mind. Thanks for not smiting me after my first comment.

  11. Your black & white work is impressive and reminds me (quality wise) of some of my favorite photographers. I like the high contrast treatment here, it really adds impact. In a way I wonder if the tankers are pointed inward or outward. I really dig the circular lines on the pavement and the random cracks. I'm amazed and delighted that those details were preserved in this shot. Very cool.
  12. This was actually a drive by shooting because my wife and daughter in the front seat refused to stop to let me take a photo. They were pretty fed up with all the photo taking by that point in the day and just wanted to get home and eat dinner.


    You can see some pretty good motion blur in the foreground. I also had to straighten this just a bit since I was bouncing around in the backseat. As I took this photo the girls shouted, "Oh that will never turn out."


    Thanks for taking a look and for the comments. Live life to the Ultra.

  13. It takes a few moments to understand the complexity of repeating pattern here. It's quite rich in detail and delight. Even the text is subdivided into paragraphs and mimics the patterns in the wall, lamp, cup and table. Very clever stuff.
  14. This is as close as I have seen you come to shooting yourself in the foot. ;-)


    God doesn't play dice with the Universe but he does play favorites; just ask anyone who is associated with a major, minor or fringe religion.


    This strikes me as more of a "God dividing the day from the night with a chrome strip" sort of composition. Or perhaps, "Thou shall have no other liquids before me" sort of thing.


    Perhaps it is too deep for early morning thinking. I think I may have missed your meaning (don't smite me).


    There are so many great photographs in your portfolio that it is hard to choose where to begin. This is a place I had always wanted to photograph for a long time and I finally made it there not long ago. This is a classic image and a standout among others I have seen from this location. The perfect example of reversal of fortune and yet it still stands out as an oasis in the desert. So bright and clean, just waiting for someone to come rolling in.


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