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Image Comments posted by carola



    Love the colors and the soft ligt in this one. The smokey wave fills the whole picture. Very sensual!

    Best regards // Carola



    I love rust and this one is no exception

    Like a spooky crowd on the beach. A lot of humor in this one.Nice 3D effect.

    You have an eye for details. Very good!

    Best regards // Carola

  1. I can see in youre pictures that youre eye looks for shapes and that is wery good. Keep going!

    About this image: A bit shaky maybe because the light not was the best that day. Well composed picture.

    Can you see the eagles head on the neck of the woman?

    Best regards // Carola

  2. Thankyou wey much Paolo!

    Glad you like it. What it is I will have as a small secret if you dont mind.

    The most important I think is to get an experience of my work without knowing exactly wat it really is....

    Best regards // Carola

    Angry Chair


    What a great shot!

    The shadow of the chair really feels like a cruel and angry spirit.

    Black and white is absolutely right here. Well done!

    Best regards // Carola

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