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Image Comments posted by sethwatkins

  1. Another stroll through my fair city on a rare day when the sun was

    bright. Not quite sure how the stars got in there, I know I wasn't

    seeing them whem I made the original image! Thanks for looking at

    my stuff and for your ideas, comments and suggestions.


  2. movin' around downtown Olympia, many walls with years of graffitti and

    graffitti painted over to produce what looks like a gallery of modern art if

    and thats the big "if" I can see it and get it so that my viewfinder acts as

    the frame.( and the sun is bright enough to make the colors come out,

    always an issue in the Northwest) Sometimes I have to go back to the

    original image years later to crop and chop until what I want comes

    through. Thanks for looking at my images and for your ideas,

    suggestions and critique.




    Thanks for your comments. I'm more and more interested in flattening the picture plane-which I find is not that simple. Helen Leavitt was quoted as saying " I became a photographer because I never learned to paint". I orginally got into this in 1970 hanging around with painters, not photographers. Some people are dismissive about Photo-Shop, but I say "whatever works!" I've already sniffed a few too many dark room chemicals, as my wife and kids will attest. Thanks!


    all sorts #4


    An image I submitted a while ago, cropped and re-framed. Hope you like

    it better. The colors remind me of a particular type of candy from my

    childhood that came in these color combinations. Thanks for looking at

    my images and for your ideas, comments and suggestions.


  3. I'm experimenting with a technique of putting b/w images into PS as

    color and pushing hue and saturation levels to create a ghostly kind

    of color- this case to bring out the image of a little girl who was in our

    after-school group in the early 1970's. I created the grid effect by

    using scanned-in proof sheets of 2 1/4 negatives from the same


    Thanks for looking at my images and for your ideas, comments and



  4. After I posted this image, I realized that I should have cropped it

    differently. So this is the other version-hope you like it better, As

    always, thanks for looking at my images and for your ideas,

    comments and suggestions




    when I pull the color from color saturated images, strange things

    happen. Not posted to be gloomy, just looking for a wider range of

    textures and themes on

    Photo.Net. Thanks for looking at my images and for your ideas,

    comments and suggestions.


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