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david w good

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Image Comments posted by david w good



    "...how absurd can one get ?"

    Evidently - quite absurd!

    Keep doing what you do...let the model keep doing what she does...and let the absurd idiot continue being and absurd idiot!

    He makes the rest of us look REAL GOOD!

    (Long-time admirer of your work)

    Lion Charge


    Ok - so there was heavy metal between you and those chompers right? I was wondering why I hadn't seen you for a while. I thought someone found your camera and this shot was inside with you nowhere to be seen.

    Your technique is remarkable. I see now that I was right to idolize you after seeing what you could do with filters and now this!

    So - how does one critique an image as emotionally powerful as this? Even if there were technical issues to be found, the subject material would more than make up for it.

    For the lack of anything really creative or constructive to say, I'll end by stating, "it would have been nice if you could have gotten better catch lights in the kitty's eyes. They are rather dark and mean looking."

    From one Nikonian to another - Bravo!!! I am truly in awe of your talents.


  1. Jerry,

    I think part of the highlights being overexposed is caused somewhat by my use of Diffused Glow in post processing as that does kick up the highlights more. On top of that, I'm also shooting in some of the harshest light I've ever shot in. It's amazing the difference between winter harsh light (at 6000' elevation) and summer, high noon harsh light at 8300' elevation (where I'm usually shooting). This low angle, very clear light threw me for a loop.

    We were actually trying for the look on her face (sort of either sultry or "watch it boy" look), though I will admit that the left hand fist and the upright toes were a mistake.

    Thank you for your feedback and the "colorized" image.



  2. In considering the model's body type, the skinnier bicep is unnatural looking. Granted, a more concentrated effort in editing, might yield a more balanced look.

    Certainly, there are times when an edit such as this would be beneficial to an image, but ultimately, I don't want to get into the habit of altering natural muscle reactions as I can "see" that something just isn't right. Perhaps because I'm familiar with the original image, that I have a biased opinion.

    I do tummy and buttock tucks and upon occasion, I will augment a breast just to correct a slight "out of round", unflattering shape. Beyond that, personally, I don't alter anything else.

    Not saying that some will use this technique on their work, it's just I would prefer to leave the model as natural as possible.

    Thank you for your suggestion and sample.

  3. I must agree with the angle comment. The severe angle here throws off the viewer's perspective. If the ends of the hammock were both coming from the corners of the image (as it does in the lower right corner) it might have helped. Another distraction is the drop of the model's hair - it's heading upwards - defying gravity in an unnatural way. 

    I've looked through your portfolio and you are an excellent photographer and it isn't fun shooting down what is otherwise a beautiful image. So I hope you take the constructive criticism as just that.



  4. Well executed shot. The lighting is even and still provides depth; the model's pose is almost cliche - however - there is enough subtle differences that makes this appealing; and her expression, with the eyes looking forward, gives an aggressive, or better yet, confident attitude - as if she's making sure everything thing about her is just perfect. The pulled back arm adds to this feeling of confidence.


    All in all - a splendid impression!





    Comments and critiques welcome. If you leave a score of 3 or less,

    please explain why so that improvements can be made.



    Like a vampire tempting the light, so does our model while still

    guarding her eyes and staying partially hidden from the sun.


    Constructive C&C desired

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