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Posts posted by gert_jan_bollen

  1. Hello all,


    Thanks for your response!


    Apparently the Jen increased, the cheapest new Pentax 45/4.0with full warrantee will cost about 750 dollars

    (in the Netherlands). Tomorrow I will meet someone who has a used one for sale, which is in good condition for about 550 dollars. So I will check this out! Yippee!


    Kind regards Gert Jan.

  2. Hello,


    I enjoined reading the posters a lot


    I� m considering to buy a 45/4 wide angle for my P 6*7 (like a 24 ~

    21 mm for 35mm)


    The experience with a 20 mm for 35mm system showed me a lot of

    distortion due to the design of the lens (Cosina) straight lines

    appear like the letter W and also a lot of light fall of to the



    So far I have good experiences with the 75/4.5 and the 55/3.5 luckily

    the 55 came with 3 filters and lens hood


    My questions are:


    1) how is the performance of this lens at wide open and at 8

    2) Are there different versions of the 45 mm like the 55 which has a

    3.5 and a 4 opening and how to recognize those.

    3) what is a reasonable price



    Thanks in advance Gert Jan

  3. Hello Colin


    I use the M645J for 10 years now with out any problem. The M645 does not have MLU and a second release button and only 1/500 as fastest speed and yes you can make double expos. If you insist on working handheld and with a prism you better get a Grip L so you can release with your left hand.


    Kind regards Gert Jan (NL)

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