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Image Comments posted by andrey1


    Bravo! Each of these three has it's own character. And the choice of contrast is very pleasing. Looks like you are a big friend of trees, there are some more impressive tree photos in your portfolio :) Solid white sky works well to isolate the trees from the rest of the Universe, but have you considered burning edges on top just a little bit to see if it looks any better?
  1. Hello Robert, as for the curvature, my Canon digital camera came with software called, I believe, 'Stitch Assist', which has an option of correcting for curvature when stitching the pictures into a panorama.


    But it is beautiful location and great picture, I wouldn't bother much about fixing the geometry.

  2. My compliments for your courage and humor in getting this one :) And I like the contrast in color of clothing here.


    Everything looks so good in it that I would consider using PhotoShop to erase the man standing behind the tie-wearing officer. I know that one shouldn't modify street pictures for content, but this shot could also be a nice collective portrait, if made more "sterile" by removing the man.

    A little house


    Hello, Rusu. This is a fascinating location. If you wanted to make it look cold and dreary, I must say you've succeeded. I miss snow!!!


    I don't know if you like to alter your images, but I prefer visual impact to realism. Attached is my version of your photo -- I brought up magenta to give it a sunsettish look, cropped at the bottom to make the house more "grounded" and lit up the windows. Now it looks warm -- quite different from your original atmosphere, but maybe you'd like a different perspective.


    Regards, Andrey



    Hey Louis, I think this version is more interesting than "1000 words" because the background here is more diverse and less "sterile". The main subject has enough character in both even without the manipulations with shadows. Regards, Andrey


    Wow, the colors are really gorgeous! I can feel the moist and tranquil atmosphere in both the cat's eyes and the background. It must be tough to photograph animals with the slow Velvia on a rainy day (it was cloudy, wasn't it?), but it was really worth it.
  3. Dear Jean-Sebastien, I admire your work, sometimes there is just nothing to say but "Gosh! Beautiful!" That "Alezane" picture of yours may be the most adorable color photograph I've seen.


    I want to notice something about this photo, though: unlike your other pictures, it looks unnatural because burning/dodging is so strong, and traces of manipulation are so apparent (that halo around her head and shoulders). I think fiddling with extreme contrasts for expressivity purposes is dangerous for the subtle kind of images that you produce.


    Best regards, Andrey.


    I love this style of B/W -- interesting character, graphic composition (you can see how big and heavy the drum is, you can see the drumsticks moving, lines of drumsticks and the boy's eyes form a triangle for the viewer's eye to slide along). The light is nice, and I like the little imperfections of this light: bright spots in the background, highlight above the drummer's ear, too little light on the pants. I am unhappy with the silhouette on the right. Cropping it will take away some "breathing space" from the drumsticks, so I understand why you left it in. Maybe there is something else one could do about it (burn down the background for a vignetting effect?).



    Interesting subject. IMO, needs some PS. Attached file: despeckled, unsharp mask, boosted contrast on the shadow side with 'Levels', dimmed the bulb with a radial gradient layer, brightened up the left-hand side with a linear gradient layer.


    The alarm clock

    It's an interesting alteration, but it could be a cool picture without the eye and the mouths. Time is sealed on this clock, and the aging is brought up by the beautiful color of light.


    Agree about harshness of light (specular highlights on her nose - not good), and contrast is too high (midtones are great, but highlights are almost blown out), and also I'd use a reflector to reduce contrast and get rid of the shadow on her neck. I like the pose and composition, though.



    Hey Maggie,

    The captured moment is cool, but oh these colors and oh this trash in the background... Maybe a touch of old-fashioned finising?

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