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Everything posted by mukul_dube

  1. <p>Few now buy black paint Leicas for reasons of utility. If the inflation of black paint prices is accompanied by a fall in the prices of silver chrome bodies, that is good for those who want only to take pictures with their cameras. If black paint is essential, Jochen gave the answer.</p>
  2. <p>From the serial number it is a IIIf. It has the flash sync arrangement under the shutter speed dial. How it came to have an earlier type of winding knob is anyone's guess.</p>
  3. <p>Here's your answer: "The rubbing alcohol made the degraded material start to dissolve."</p>
  4. <p>Robert, I use an A7 with manual Nikkors, which cost much less than the lenses from my M6 kit and are as good. Perhaps your "serious" is different from mine.</p>
  5. <p>Karim, I don't know if gentle scolding does any good. A friend remarked that it's possible that young Parvez puts on his glasses to humour me and takes them off as soon as I leave. These workers have no systematic training. They learn on the job and matters of safety are ignored.</p>
  6. <p>A botanical mug shot on Christmas day.</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Good one, John.<br> Lad was working without glasses until I scolded him.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>Radical students burning an effigy of the then minister.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>Picture from two and a half years ago, when I still worked with film. The lady is now seriously ill.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>This lady is likely to pass on at any time and I was asked to look for photos I have taken of her. I found several, dating from the early 1970s, and this one, taken last year at her youngest grand-son's wedding.</p><div></div>
  11. <p>Thank you, Edward. I shall look into this.</p>
  12. <p>This information pertains to AF lenses, of course, and I seldom use the kit zoom. With my manual Nikkors I keep Live View Display ON so that I can see the effect of exposure compensation. I have to turn it to OFF when using a manual lens at a small aperture so as to get a bright enough image to focus.</p>
  13. <p>When winter descends on northern India, the flowers come out.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>I can't say anything about possible conflict: but it seems to me that one kind of stabilisation should be enough. Presumably the lens will come with a small instruction manual.</p>
  15. <p>Randy, the limited aim was to get publicity. A few newspapers carried reports, and I think one television channel. The long term aim is to form an organisation large enough to work as a pressure group.</p>
  16. <p>Hundreds came to a rally from across the country to press for the ten year old Forest Rights Act to be implemented. That law is designed to protect the rights of those who depend on forests. Avaricious mining interests prevent its implementation and the political leadership acquiesces.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>Your second shot is particularly impressive, Howard.<br> I offer "tribal" women at a rally to press for rights to the forest, on which they depend for sustenance and livelihood.</p><div></div>
  18. <p>This old Adivasi (tribal) woman spoke strongly at a people's rally to demand their rights over the forests.</p><div></div>
  19. <p>Thank you, Don; but I'd have liked to have got more of the circuit board at the bottom of the frame.</p>
  20. <p>Radio technician checking circuit board. There was no space to move back and I had only the one lens.</p><div></div>
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