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Image Comments posted by chekim

    Sea Girl

    Pretty model! I think the conversion to B/W could be improved to bring out more "texture" of her skin, she has beautiful skin as I can see here. I would use Photoshop's channel mixer to put more of the green channel into the mix, and a little bit of blue too, that would give her darker lips, eyes and eyebrows, and probably more contrasty hair too. I would love to see the original color photo as well as more photos of her. Thanks for sharing.

    Ashley Marie

    Andrew, I've seen her other photos on your website, this is probably the best pose of her. Maybe you should sharpen all those photos to make them better. I would frame down a bit to see more of her hands, even if I have to cut the hair a bit. Very pretty model. 5/5


    Nice pose and model, maybe a different shirt color would have avoided the wash out white, the face is actually well lid considering the bright sky in the background. 6/5


    Andrew, I think the skin color of the subject is not good here, either use a reflector when shooting, or use Photoshop to fix up a bit. Your model is very beautiful, I saw all her photos on your website and many of them have bad skin color, a little pratice with PS and you'll be fine. 5/5
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