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Posts posted by g_t3

  1. Yongfei gave the addresses of the local camera markets I mentioned in my post earlier.... still, you won't be able to find those TLR's there (new one that is). I go to one of them often. I found many used Hassy, Rolleiflex, Mamiya, Pentax, Bronica, Fuji media cameras etc.. but Seagulls are actually rare.


    Those two places are actually where you can get reasonably priced films. Lucky 100 120 film is 7RMB ($1). Ilford Delta 100 120 film is 21 RMB ($3).


    As far as dog meat goes, you can't find them there :) There are more restaurant serving donkey meat than dog meat these days in Beijing.

  2. Tim,

    I guess you are looking for TLR? If you are, Seagull 4A107 (I think that is the latest model) costs about 1500-2000 RMB. However, if you go to the camera markets in Beijing, they are no where to be found. The best way is actually to buy it online on www.taobao.com (Chinese version of ebay). However, to become a register user for a traveller is probably not worthwhile, and you would have to be able to speak Chinese. Check out US ebay, I think you can find the same model there occasionally.


    If you are not looking for the Chinese made TLR's but other 120 film cameras made around the world, the prices in China are actually higher than, for example, ebay. I bought all my 120 film cameras from ebay.


    Hope this help.



  3. I have two Bronica SQ-A I bought from ebay -- they came from wedding photographers who switched to digital.. they looked pretty beat up, but both are still working fine! Cheap and great for practices..
  4. Good thing you are going to NYC... if you were going to Seoul, leaving Seoul could be a problem at the airport for heavy carry-on: before you get into security check, they do check the weight of your carry-on... and if it is overweight, it will go into check baggage section..
  5. I had a similar situation where my negatives came out all looked like "underexposed" and thought my camera was having shutter/aperture problems. After several attempts to resolve the problem, eventually I found out my developer is no longer effective ... I just developed two rolls with new developer and now everything is fine.
  6. I have a Minolta IV with a 5 degree spot adapter. However, I thought the "integrated" features of incident and reflective metering appealing.


    Right, so for 30 bucks difference, and since L-758C has all the functionality in L-758D, then I might as well buy the L-758C. Thanks for your clarification.

  7. Hi Ed and Rod,


    Thanks for the thought. Will bring my P67 this weekend to test out the backpacks. I was surprised that P67 fit in the Computrekker, according to the spec of the backpack, it is only 13.5cm deep, while the height of the P67 is about 16cm. Does that mean it is pressed against the computer compartment while it is empty? That would work for me. Like you said, I wouldn't carry my computer wherever I go, just need to carry it when I go and leave. In between, I just need the backpack for the camera.


    Computrekker PLUS seems quite big, but not as big as my Lowepro Super Trekker and Pro Trekker (yeah, I got both and they are super heavy and I ended up using them to store my equipments).


    I am surprised to see thinktank product is available in China, will check out this weekend in Beijing camera market.



  8. Hi Edward and Doug,


    Thanks for your replies.


    It seems that photo trekker doesn't have a computer compartment. I checked out Lowepro's website, and found that another backpack might fit - it is called Vertex 200 and Vertex 300. The height of Pentax 67 with prism is about 15.5cm or about 6.1 inches. Vertex model's interior height is 16.5cm, so it clears it. Will check out these two packs as well.

  9. Hi Chris,


    Wow, these are amazing photos and well written travel-logs. Need to bookmark your website and learn. Having a P67 myself with a set of lens that I bought from eBay a year ago, I find myself using them once, at home, doing some test shots. Thank you very much for the inspiration.


    Gower (currently live in Beijing)

  10. Shane,


    I've bought a decent but well-used quality Bronica SQ-A with 80mm lens, 120 back, and a metered prism on ebay for less than 200 bucks. That is after I missed out on a brand new SQ-AI body for less than 200 bucks (also on ebay). If you are going to do ebay, you really need to track all the auctions for a while to get a feeling of the prices you would need to pay.


    Good luck!



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