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Image Comments posted by donald_l_fackler_jr

  1. Thanks Dominque, I enjoy the darkroom and having a wet print in hand. I did re-shoot this but they didn't print up very well. I have just started scanning my Negatives and haven't gotten to these yet. I'll have to repost whent I get them in.



  2. Thank you for stopping by Pnina, I had forgot about this shot. In the last few days there have been a lot of great photos on PN and I have surfed till my fingers got tired.





    I like this shot it is an excellent moody picture with mystical qualities. The frog king sits upon his throne. The only thing I would do is to clone out the two shadow sticks in the top right corner of the image. They kind of distract a little.





    Nice butterfly. I love the colors and detail in the wings. My only nitpick is the blown highlights in the yellow flower. I don't know what you started with but if you had the detail in the flower to begin with you could have copied that into a new layer and ablied a layer mask to bring it back in.





    This is kind of interesting, I like the way you captured the moon so soft with the leaves in the foreground. I would suggest using fill flash to eliminate the need for such a long exposure or high ISO to help reduce the noise.



  3. I think this has a lot of possibilities to bring out the textures of the flower. I would start by sharpening it more and then converting to B&W. The sharpening helps to seperate the petals and bring in more detail, I don't know why I chose to desaturate it but I liked how it came out. I used the chanel mixer on the green channel and added a little blue to darken the background. Hope you don't mind that I a posting my example.



  4. I played with this for awhile in PS and I think I like it a lot better brighter with more contrast. To get rid of the blown out highlights you can clone them out so you can bring out more in the shadows and emphasize the beautiful color of the flower.



  5. I like the composition and perspective, you can see how small the car is compared to the guy in the photo. I like how you have everything in the photo makeing a large curve but I think you should have the face in focus too, unless your intention was to draw the eye to the left knee and tire.





    At first I didn't think I would like this, but the more I looked at it the more it grew on me. I like the contrast and the composition and all the different colors of the fish. I found that the refraction cause by the plastic bags made for some interesting shapes. The only thing I would suggest is to crop out the wheel in the upper right corner.



    dune grass


    Nice shot, it looks like you caught this dragon fly as it was just landing. I think the impressive part is that you have motion blur on the stalks and the dragonfly is relativly in focus. Good capture.



  6. I have to agree with David, all three show a story about times past but this one draws me into it, I wonder who lived here and what happened to them, why the land is being tended but the house was forsaken. This shot speaks of a great travisity befalling those who worked the land and shows me how transient we humans really are. I think this is a powerfull portrayal of how fragil we really are. No matter what we build or how strong nature can come back in and reclaime it for its own.



  7. I like the first repost of Precious and Claudia. in the second one the crop is awkward across the mouth. Precious looks real comfortable in all three shots and I can almost hear her purring. I think you still need to warm the image up as it seems to have a blue cast to it. I like the way the cat looks in Patricia's posting and think the whole image could be warmed up a little. I also think she sharpened it to bring out the texture of the fur.



    Dew covered Tulip


    This is an great shot of a tulip and I love its colors, my only suggestion is to change your position so you can crop the fence out of the background. The image also needs to be sharpened to bring out the edge detail.



  8. I actually think I like the pink in the around the cat, It just seem comfortable. I agree with warming up the image though and to at least crop out all the skin tones in the image, although that takes the human element out of it. If you get a chance to reshoot this I think I would like to see more human contact by including the face of the person holding the cat.



  9. Thanks for Stopping by Hector, I almost walked off a 10 ft wall to get this. My biggest problem right now is that I never have the right lens on the camera when a subject comes up. I am getting better though. L



    Bottle caps


    I like this shot. The DOF is really good. The three bottle caps in a line kind of make the bottom of a triangle with the pipe making the top. Excellent shot.



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