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Posts posted by sean_wholey1

  1. Hi,

    I use a Nikon D50 and mainly I shoot artistically and to document my travels. I

    do not need speed from a memory card but more so durability especially in

    climate changes. I have a Transend 2gb 150x already and so far so good with that

    but I would like a second card, for longer trips, probably another 2gb. Is there

    much difference compared with Sandisk? Am I better of spending a little more for

    an Ultra? Thanks!


  2. I was asked to shoot black and white portraits that must be enlarged

    to 16"x20" for black and white gallery display. They will be shot

    indoors with flash. I have an Nikon F90X with an SB-28, a Mamiya 645

    Protl with no flash, and a Nikon D70s. I was definately gonna use the

    D70 with I guess the SB28 (which I'll need to test with), but I have

    no other flash for the Mamiya. Does anyone know if these are

    compatible? Also if I make prints in my darkroom from my F90X(35mm)

    and if I have those prints professionally scanned and enlarged to

    16"x20", would they be decent enough to show in a gallery? Thanks for

    any advice.

  3. Yeah, I just need to do some test printing. I'm new to digital and I'm nervous about seeing my first prints. You know, how they'll stand up to my 35mm and medium format darkroom work. How they compare. I'm actually not super needy when it comes to sharpness either but I like my main subject at least to be tight and contrasty. Think Ilford FP4.
  4. Hi. I need help guessing an appropriate processing time for an ISO200

    speed film called Phota. I believe it's European. That's how I

    remember the box, which I can't find now of course. I bought it when I

    was in Vietnam when I thought I was going to run out of Ilford FP4.

    Well, I never did and so I brought it home. Well, it's in my camera

    now and I just shot ten frames of about 45seconds after an eighteen

    wheeler slammed into an overpass. It was a total mess and the pictures

    (if they come out) should be awsome because I got up on the brige and

    shot down. I use Kodak's HC110 as my developer. I was thinking maybe

    using AGFA's 200 film as my guide because they're also European and

    200 speed. Any thoughts? Thanks.


  5. I've read much about how awsome Nikon's manual 2.8 28mm AI-S is and

    I've read the lens construction is different on the new AFD but how

    much is the visual difference of the negatives/prints? I'm sure the

    older ones are of a more heavy duty construction but is the

    glass/element design superior as well? Which is better overall and why

    if I usually shoot film and have the time to focus manually? Also does

    anyone know for sure what the serial number range is for the AIS

    lenses? Thanks a lot!

  6. Yeah I've definately got charged batteries in the SB-28. What's this about the

    300vdc? My sb-28 manual says the SD-8a also works with alkaline batteries.

    What's the deal? The flash is working fine and then when i plug in the SD-8A ,

    no light comes on the unit. The flash still works though i'm assuming it's

    running on the batteries that are in the flash.

  7. I got his thing used in supposedly excellent condition with no manual. It

    looked like a really simple device so I slacked on testing it. Well now I need it

    very soon and I can't figure it out! I've correctly loaded fresh alkaline batteries

    into it and turned both my F90X and my SB-28 on. I'm expecting to see a red

    light come on on the SD-8A am I right. Is it on or is it defective?



  8. Thanks Jim,

    I just ordered an 50mm 1.8D AF from B+H new for $94. That's in my price

    range, and from what I've been reading the difference between it and the 1.4

    is like splitting hairs (not much). Big price difference though. Hopefully with

    some practice low light shooting should get much easier. Thanks again


  9. Hey thanks everyone for all your help. I decided to buy an SB-28 from

    KEH.com for $107, thanks to Jeff H.'s reccomendations as well as my own

    research. I also purchased a stroboframe ($32 from Shutterblade.com) with

    the flip feature and an sc-17 cord ($32 from KEH.com) thanks to Todd Peach's

    advice. There is so much to consider. I'm also looking at the 50mm 1.4D

    lenses also but maybe I'll wait and see how the flash system works out first.

    Thanks again everyone!

  10. I bought a used but mint F90X for $200. It's been great as a travel 35mm body,

    but every now and then I help a friend as a backup wedding photographer.

    I've had a lot of trouble during dark receptions attaining focus. I use a Sunpak

    555 flash which has no infra red assist. My friend's brother has and older N90

    which has the AF assist illuminator. When I've borrowed this camera, I've had

    a much easier time. I really shouldn't borrow his camera too much more but

    do I need to get another Nikon af film body just for weddings. I know I don't

    want to spend more than a couple hundred dollars. Maybe my solution could

    be purchasing another flash, prefferably one mounted on a bracket. Any


  11. I shoot mostly black and white. I just went autofocus buying an Nikon F90X

    coming from an F3/FE background. I love using red filters for more dramatic

    skies and contrast. I recently read that many color filters though throw off the

    matrix metering system in the F90X and therefore you are left with less

    predictable results. Does anyone know about this and if so what are some

    applicable color filters and their specs. If it helps, I will be using an AF Nikkor

    28-85mm, and an AF Nikkor 70-210 D. Thanks.

  12. Thanks Greg. I just need to learn more about TTL and whether or not it's right

    for me. The SB-20 definately seems to go for more money and has a higher

    demand on Ebay. I could save money by just turning off the TTL feature and

    practice using manual. Being compact and versitile are the main issues.

  13. I'm looking for a compact flash unit that works well with mainly my F3 and

    potentially with my FE which is my backup. This is for travelling overseas so

    size and versitality is the most important features, but also be able to

    illuminate well between ranges of 28mm to 105mm tele. Also prefer one that

    tilts for bouncing. I'm looking at either the sb-17, sb-18, or the sb-24 right now.

    Leaning more towards the 24 or the 17 because they seem to give more

    control. Although I might pick up an 18 also just to play with and because

    they're cheap. I have a Vivitar 285 which gives good results but it's way too

    big. Any ideas? How about metz flashes?

  14. Can anyone reccomend a good all around COMPACT flash that I could take

    on travel shoots for use with my Nikon F3HP and possibly also use with an

    FE. I know the hot shoe on the F3 might need an adapter. Please include this

    info. I shoot documentary style photography anywhere fro 28mm to 105mm. I

    need something that could cover this range, tilt and diffuse and that could also

    fit in a pocket. Thanks

  15. I am planning two trips this year, one to Nicaragua and one to Vietnam. I

    usually take two Nikon bodies and three lenses but I'm considering bringing

    my Mamiya 645protl with three lenses instead to get bigger negs but it makes

    me nervous not having a backup camera if something jams etc. I have heard

    of the damage that sand has on cameras, but how about the air near the

    ocean. Last trip I took to Belize, I brought the Nikon, and my Rollie tlr and the

    Rollie jammed for the first time during a shoot on the beach. I was as careful

    as I could be to not get sand near the cameras but it still jammed. What's the

    risks and consequences, and what's your opinion on bringing only the

    Mamiya that's never given me problems as opposed to bringing my Nikons F3

    and FE? Thanks.

  16. I've bought a Mamiya protl and I use both the AE prism finder and the waist

    finder. I really don't care for the prism that came with the body because I find

    the texture collar more obtrusive than being helpful. I like the rangefinder for

    critical focusing but I also liked having a grid when I've shot weddings with a

    borrowed camera. I feel it really helps remind me of the bounderies of the

    frame itself, making sure lines are parallel and feet aren't cut off.

    The grid screen that Mamiya puts out, A4, has a circle but not a rangefinder.

    Then I was looking into the Beattie screens (which have both in one) I read all

    kinds of conflicting reviews and warnings. If I had to choose between the grid

    and the finder I think I would pick the finder. Can anyone shed some light on

    this whole Intenscreen/Brightscreen controversy. What's REALLY going on?

    Is it just name smearing or are the Intenscreens really made upside-down?

    Are the Mamiya B style screens bright enough for me? They are definately


    Thanks a lot!

  17. It seems that using Al's technique of reversing the curl is working the quickest.

    Today I was able to make multiple prints for the extended family of our holiday

    group photos I shot with my Rolleiflex. I had them rolled inside out and stored

    in cut strips in metal cannisters which I set on a shelf a few inches up from a

    radiator. It's still curly but better than before and much easier to handle. Still I'd

    have to say even though the image quality is to my liking, the fact that it curled

    up the way that it did, I'll probably never want to deal with Bergger film again.

    thanks again to everyone for your help.

  18. Well thanks to everyone for your responses. I was unable to find any solution

    at Freestyle that flattens negatives. Maybe you were thinking of Edwal's fiber

    print flattener. I was quite hopeful with that one... I took most of the negs and

    have them pressing in sleeves under a huge stack of books, and then I

    selected a few sacrificial negs and tried to roll them emulsion side out with a

    rubber band to try and see if that helps. In the meantime if anyone else has

    any ideas, I would appreciate your help. Thanks again!

  19. Recently I shot family photos with Bergger ISO 200 speed 120 film, which I

    had never used before. I processed the negs myself using Rodinal and

    hanged them up to dry as I usually do with clothspins at the bottom. I let them

    hang for only about a couple of hours, but they seemed dry to the touch. After i

    started cutting them, they began to curl. This never happened to me with Ilford

    films. I'm not sure if it was the film or just maybe I needed to let them hang

    overnight. Anyway, I would really appreciate any suggestions to get the curl

    out. I put them in sleeves and under a stack of books for four days now but

    they are still curly. I'm now soaking one of the strips in water and photoflo and

    am going to try and hang it up to dry overnight. Any ideas? Thanks.

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