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Posts posted by eric_silvi

  1. Moose makes ALOT more money than me selling his photos, publishing his photo books, and teaching photography at workshops. I'm sure many of you have heard of him, but haven't heard of me. Sounds like he's doing the right thing. By the way, I'd say the same thing about Art Morris, George Lepp, and Art Wolfe. I respect their work, and they're Canon shooters.
  2. I will be there the second week of April also. Been there many times, love the place. Spring is not the best time for wildlife photos. You should see alot of deer in Cades Cove. If you're lucky: black bear, coyote, turkey,and others

    Wildflowers are all over the park in April.

    One of my favorites in the "Tremont" area. Most tourists don't even drive road. There's great cascades, waterfalls, and flowers.

    For sunrise photos go to Clingmans Dome and West Foothills Parkway. (The parkway is my favorite) For sunset go to Clingmans Dome and Mortons Overlook. (Mortons Overlook is my favorite)Get there early, espically for sunset. You'll be surprised how many photographers you will see.

    Drive the Roaring Fork Motor Trail. Great cascades, access to waterfalls and historic cabins.

    Get a copy of Bill Campbells book The Great Smoky Mtns Photography Guide. It breaks the park down by different areas, and the seasons, to get the best photographs.

  3. Like others have said, it depends. I've been to several nature photo workshops. I've enjoyed, and learned, from most of them. Pick a location that you really want to photograph. That way, if you don't think the intructor does a good job, you will atleast get photos from a location that you enjoy being at. Some of the workshop instructors that I really liked (in no particulr order)are John Shaw, David Middleton, Willard Clay, Art Wolfe, and Rod Planck.
  4. There is no "bad" time to go to the Smokies. Like Mark said above, it will be well past peak for fall colors. I was there a couple week-ends ago for peak color. Yuo will still have all the cascades and waterfalls to photograph. Don't forget Cades Cove and the wildlife!

    Get a copy of Bill Campbell's photo guide for the Smokies. The book goes into detail of what there is to photograph by location, and season.

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