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Image Comments posted by marcv

  1. I really like this neutral/overcast tones. To me it really is a digital rebel signature. Although I tend to 'work hard' this kind of photo, in the end, even when the result is great I always regret a little not to have left it has you did - has it was.

    Nice shot!



    Mike what's EV? Yea you're right about time consuming - at least when you start with ND. When you're experienced, well I can't tell yet...About the distortion, there isn't any if you look well at the horizon behind the island. The curved stripe in front of the island is an arm of ice. If I'd say I didn't use photoshop I'd be lying. But the enhancements in PS were minor: A tiny bit more lightness on the paler rocks and more saturation in the blue of the water and orange of the sky.Thanks for the comments
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