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keith turrill

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Posts posted by keith turrill

  1. <p><i>By uploading photos to the photo Gallery, you grant to other photo.net members permission to copy the photo, to make such alterations and markups for the purpose of commentary as they see fit, and to attach the modified photo to their comments on the photo.</i></p>

    <p>Photo.net allows images to be downloaded for educational and editorial use in the forums. The right-click issue is a trivial annoyance. The posted images aren't really large enough for commercial use anyway.</p>

  2. At this time (12:42 EST on 01/25/06) there are a considerable number of images in the Nude category that technically aren't nude. Most of people complaining about clasifications would probably be better off spending more time taking pictures.
  3. <p>Here is an interesting tidbit from the Washington Post on 12/25/05 concerning

    dismal reading proficiency of college students.

    <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/24/AR2005122400701.html?nav=rss_education">



    <p>It might be difficult to recruit members who could pass a test. Perhaps the

    Photo.net website should start requiring SAT and ACT scores.  :)</p>

  4. This is a good example of why photos need to be be marked with authors name and copyright. This won't protect the photo but it eliminates ignorance as a defense. It is also a good idea to register images with the copyright office. This can be done in batches or collections.


    The blogger in question would probably claim non-commercial editorial fair use. His page did not have any revenue generating advertising.


    Blogspot is owned by Google who has recently been the subject of numerous "fair use" complaints. You could sue them but you would be at the end of a long line of publishers and university libraries.

  5. I have a whole folder of e-mail from Nigerian princes asking if I can make change for a $1000 dollar check.


    Most of these e-mails deserve a "1" for originality, though I might start giving them a "3" for aesthetics if their authors ever start learning English grammer.

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