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Image Comments posted by mlevy



    It was around 9pm when we started taking these photos. Out of about 20 shots. This was

    the only one that came out promissing. The hardest thing was focusing because there

    wasn't enough light for manual or automatic focus. Some of the other shots looked good

    on the little monitor on the camera but were too soft, as I basically just made a guess on

    the distance. Focus isn't really an issue with this image. So, it didn't matter.


    I'm intrigued with shadows and partial images because they are artifacts of things which

    aren't directly in view. This ghostly duo could be seen in different ways. An upright figure

    and a skulking one dishonestly creeping. This is an exploration, and I'd like to hear your

    comments please...



    I tore down my other set from the living room when my girlfriend moved in, and I've been

    spending the last month or so building another one in a different location. Its all paper

    mache-no wood, wire, or anything else. Also made some bowls made of paper mache

    pulp. Even though they're not visible in this particular photo their spirit influences all of

    them. Credit card bills, old drawings, anything I want to get rid of is incorporated into the

    paper mache. Its fibers contain an expungment or recreation from the chatter of everyday



    I have to use the term "model" loosely when talking about this work because its more of a

    partnership with the subjects. It took a bit of exploration before I was able to produce

    satisfying images of people. I finally came to the conclusion that people need to be active

    participants in order to produce a sincere result. There are props and decorations seen

    only by the participants in the photos. Each photo is more than just a solitary snapshot.


    Getting people to dress up and act out my fantasies, is that perverse?


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