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Image Comments posted by ed_a

    Nude #645

    Jean - As tallented as you are I am suprised you picked this photo. This moment in time is ordinary in the since that it is a model, in a photo shoot, that is waiting for instructions.



    You have a great location and I see what you are doing in this shot. Now keep in mind I am very new at this and I am very much an amature compared to you, but I think the shot might have been better if you had cropped it to the top of the windows. Best reguards,




    Thank you for the comments. There was a big distraction just right of her I did not notice when I took the shot. Next time I'll be more careful.


    First I would like to thank each of you for your comments. I am new at this so this shoot was to kind of find out where I was in finding the right settings and light. I will post some more from this shoot and I will take advantage of all the good info that comes from each of you.


    I'd like to thank each of you for your comments. I did ask her to look upset in the photo. She did and some like it and some don't. I was not using the tripod as I probably should have. I did have other shots of this but I liked this one the best. Thanks again from the newbie.
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