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sky blue

PhotoNet Pro
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Posts posted by sky blue

  1. In this day and time there are as many out there with poor reputations as there are with honorable reputations and I'm afraid possibly in the general population today, there may be more of the poor ones. Unscrupulous, uneducated, unconcerned, unrepentant, disrespectful, etc., etc., etc. and unfortunately none of the labels have even the slightest effect on the vast majority of them. They aren't embarrassed until exposed in the national news and after that they seek their fame in the trash media and locations where they are unknown. The only thing one seems to be able to do is expend their legal avenues, become a better photographer so that your reputation precedes you, all the while taking the high road when faced with injustice and of course compel Photo.Net in this case, to make your annual dues worth paying. An aside, I always crop my photos so that I have the only original if push comes to shove. Good luck... ~Sky
  2. Come on guys, lighten up a bit... What's one more line of "html" on the edge of the webpage that will cover "Western" themes and also keep ya'll happy too. There is still lots of room for catagories and if it doesn't fill up dump them back in a general catagory. There's room for more isn't there. PN is about inclusion, right? If it gets folks taking photographs and makes people spend time here, we all win don't we... And if the images live in their own catagory, isn't there less opportunity to offend those of you who don't care to see any "bullshit"? Don't you agree? Make a space, sweep the theme into it's bin and then you never have to confront the "West" again... unless of course you realize it's not such a bad place after all. Give Susan a break... you may be glad her type exists one day... because each of you exist. Aren't you guy's for tolerance? Spread photography, improve photography, let photography exist, but please don't reject photographers because you want to stifle their images because you'd prefer that they didn't exist. What's a few lines of "html"? ~Sky
  3. Emilia and Kai:

    Thanks for communicating... That I do enjoy seeing and I am greatful when people with opinions try to reach that land of understanding. As for the rating... I suppose that the one benefit they have for me is the random curiosity of seeing what pictures end up in my most rated folder. Other than that the numbers are difficult to dole out. I believe that I would have to see all the photos I've rated and then go back and adjust my numbers from best to worst. PN I believe is a positive website for photographers in spite of its imperfections. Thanks again for sharing your opinions. ~Sky

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