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Posts posted by bieg

  1. Please don't think I am trying to start a Mac vs PC war but this is a good example of the

    difference between Macs and PCs. If your parents had a Mac,.... when you plugged your

    5D in the Mac would have instantly recognized it and asked you if you wanted to

    download the contents of your card to iPhoto. No downloading drivers, no BS.


    Just simple little things like that make living with a Mac so much nicer.

  2. The 70-200L 2.8 IS, is an excellent choice for an all around lens. It is pretty much a

    "standard" in the industry. It is fast for a zoom and the IS will serve you well for hand-held

    portraits. True it may be short for sports but it performs well with Canon's 1.4 Tele-

    converter. Get it and the 1.4 converter and you will have a nice kit for all around versatility.

  3. You have to select the correct printer, paper size and orientation in "Page Set-Up". Be

    aware that when selecting the paper size there are sub-menus to the side that select

    "borderless" or "Roll", etc.. You can save a default setting in for page set-up parameters.

    When you go to the print requester make sure color management is off when printing

    from Adobe programs such as Photoshop, elements, etc... Select the correct resolution

    (1440 is probably the best choice between quality and speed). THIS IS IMPORTANT-Select

    the correct paper profile for the paper you are using. For example "Epson Premium

    Glossy". You won't be able to select certain papers such as the art paper unless the matte

    black ink is loaded. You can save different configurations here also.


    Good Luck.

  4. I just set up my Mac Pro 3Ghz. The big advantage to the Mac Pro is the quad processors

    and the fact that you can have 4 internal drives. In my case I have 4 500 gig drives set up

    as 2 mirrored raids. This gives me almost foolproof redundancy against drive failure wiping

    out my work. Of course you can set up external drives with an iMac to do the same but

    then you sort of ruin the whole idea of the all in one design.


    Either way they are great machines. Both are works of industrial art.

  5. Have a fully loaded Mac Pro 3Ghz with 4 gigs of memory. Even in Rosetta emulation

    Photoshop is MUCH faster than my old G4 867Ghz Quicksilver Tower. It will be unbelievable

    when Photoshop goes native. Scanning within photoshop with Nikon Scan (Coolscan V) is

    roughly twice as fast as with my old machine.


    The Mac Pro itself is a true work of industrial art. Best computer you will ever see.

  6. I remember back in 84, 85 when PC users were saying that "Real Computers" don't use a

    mouse. If the Mac is so lame why the hell has Microsoft been trying (lamely) to copy it for

    all these years?


    Say what you want about Macs but at least when I am using the internet and my mail

    application I don't have to worry about viruses wiping out the terrabytes of photo files on

    my machine.


    Personally I really don't care what computer any of you use or buy. I love my Macs, and

    everybody I know that uses both Macs and PCs love their Macs and just tolerate their PCs.

    You also will find many more people who have switched to Macs from PCs that the other

    way around. That is all I will say on the subject because I don't feel like getting sucked

    into some mental masturbation with some PC Uber-Geeks about the relative merits of

    each platform. Enjoy your PCs I say. Enjoy your Macs.


    You pays your money you get your pick.

  7. One correction, there is no "Kit Lens" for the 5D. It is sold as a "Body Only". The 5D is a

    great camera but may not be the best choice for a beginner. It has no beginner shooting

    modes like the 30D has. If you are going to learn to take photographs by shooting in the

    manual mode this is not a problem but if you are going to learn framing and composition

    first and just wanted easy shooting modes it might be.

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