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Image Comments posted by fivetonsflax

    Empty spaces


    Hello Michael,

    There are things I like about this photograph, and things I don't like. First the good: it's very "tactile", well exposed, nice use of depth of field, and the composition is graphically strong and free of clutter.


    Now the bad: the image feels somewhat static or sterile to me. I think this could be remedied either by balancing that vertical line with some horizontal or diagonal aspect in the foreground, or by including a person, animal or object to serve as subject.


    Finally, I like the strong contrast between the black benches and the bright pavement, and the muted color throughout.




    Good framing, though I might have reversed the empty-space proportions between right and left. A little fill light would bring up the eyes (or maybe even just a bit of dodging in photoshop). And of course a great choice of subject. The stark graphic quality really caught my eye. Richard Avedon wrote about doing portraits against white backgrounds about halfway through this article.


    What a goofy duck. I'd like the pic better without the pigeon, but what the heck, you can only shoot what's there. Where'd you take this? I shot some similar birds in Central Park, I've got one of the shots in my portfolio. Take a look if you're interested.

    Siskin's Grip


    Excellent composition. The subject is perhaps a little *too* well isolated from the background -- I find myself wanting context. I bet this would look terrific in black and white.


    I don't know much about wildlife photography, but I know that this photograph is a pleasure to contemplate. Well done.

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