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Posts posted by hsksla_ddygff

  1. an ol' jewish saying, never pay retail, photography equipment is exhilerating to purchase, so go do it, if the economy buckles in debt, at least you will have the equipment you need. only fools covet brave men buy it on credit, how do you think the government is being run. Have fun, buy good equipment.
  2. piotr, political related subjects, even though related to photography, are generally frowned upon here at photo-net, its just too touchy of a subject in Bushes new Amerika, the photo of the prisoner at abu ghraid with the hood and the electrical wires, is no doubt one of the most powerful images taken in the last 20years, but it just cant be discussed

    here without being censored at some point, the forums are designed for more lightweight subjects.

  3. derek, hasselblads do have a distinct odor. the odor is do to the reaction hasselblad equipment has to being stored with inferior equipment. dont be alarmed, this is not a bad thing, simply wrap any canon equipment in baggies, this problem is very apparent when hasselblad

    is stored near digital equipment, once this is done the original smell of the hassey will return, the sweet smell of the swedish foothills, hope this helps.

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