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Image Comments posted by bfly

    samode 1


    Rajasthani women...

    such difficult lives but in such style...

    I try to stop myself from having an orientalist pov (as I am from

    the orient too :)), but India is magical to me whatever...



    hi Shambala,

    I read your profile, have seen most of your photos, and I admire your work also because you have chosen a life behind the camera although you have been on the difficult other side before...


    this is one of the best documentaries I have seen recently...the two moman, two stones, flowers framed by remains of a shattered window fill the frame almost in abstraction.....seeing people carrying their gravestones in a bus is almost unbelievable..war makes me sad again...

    I remembered Nachtwey naturally..not that the photo itself is alike to any one of his..I admire wis work there too..


    all the best..


    (ps. I am not studying photography..I am trying to learn myself yet..kid, job etc..no time left yet :)




    Kilyos ? could anyone show Kilyos so beautifully ?

    images are sometimes reflection of our minds..

    not a comment, but a mild admiration :)..




    @ salvatore / jan


    I will remove the blur at the edges and clean the ladder etc..I thought leaving them would show this is not a ps job (adding the cart there)...Man is small in the frame and can be missed as a reference...I will do as you suggested ..thanks a lot..


  1. Aykan merhaba,

    you know I love hand painting..I am so impressed by the water color effect here..

    I like to mood and the atmosphere you have created..This is a big love whatever; forbidden or legal :) sea separates them and she is very worried, he is trying to stay straight...


    I think, the pitch black digital frame steals away from the water color feeling...








    Aykan merhaba,

    bu o de�il asl�nda..onda arabaya 篫 daha yak�n�m ve adam net..bunda kadraj daha da abs�rd geldi, bir�eyler denemek istedim..




    thank you all for your comments..


    little info : this was a prop they were preparing for a bollywood film...it was like a dream to see such a thing on such deserted mountains..


    edges are blurred in ps to increase the dreamy feeling..


    thanks again :)



    I am deeply sorry...I tried to find a picture to express my

    feelings...but I do not have a sad portrait from the Himalayas...I

    want to hope that life recovers easily...



    great photograph Ali..it is amazing how they did not react to your camera..it is like a frame captured from a movie...

    the school I know ; old wooden desks with years' dirt and carved out marks on them..teacher I know, who sometimes slapped our hands with a ruler..boredom of course I know..

    very good, very typical in all senses telling this atmosphere and life to the viewer..

    thanks :)





    very good..I think the composition is very strong as he is in the middle, walking towards us and gives the feeling of the resistance..smoke, and especially the fire in his hand, smoke on the ground in front of him enhances the feeling of stress in the atmosphere...beautiful tones too..

    all the best


  2. hi Ali,

    I like the barbed wire, wall, two boys' combination..It is is directly an image of the middle east for me..I am not sure about the symmetrcial positioning of two boys as it weakens the feeling of street photography..if they were in motion, this would be very good..but when stopped and framed symmetrically I feel like this..

    all the best





    I agree...and I had the same comment before :)...I could try a few things in ps, maybe I should try now...

    thanks a lot..



    ps. I am not sure if I am answering you Milo..I am still new and could not find a "reply" link here:)





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