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The composition and lighting are wonderful for this image--it's really too bad that the corners are so soft. Nice capture!
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thank you all for your comments..


little info : this was a prop they were preparing for a bollywood film...it was like a dream to see such a thing on such deserted mountains..


edges are blurred in ps to increase the dreamy feeling..


thanks again :)

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Bu daha onceden de gordugum ve cok begendigim bir kare.Ama burada ps mudehalesi biraz daha plastik hale getirmis.Cok etkileyici bir kare.Tebrikler...
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Aykan merhaba,

bu o de�il asl�nda..onda arabaya 篫 daha yak�n�m ve adam net..bunda kadraj daha da abs�rd geldi, bir�eyler denemek istedim..


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Finding the object might be a matter of luck, but I like the simple way you've composed the picture.


I disagree with the edge blurring in PS and, although I dislike cloning altogether, I would rather clone away the ladder protruding from the top of the prop and the structures between the weels and to the right of the prop. The reason for both proposals is that the power of the image is in its being incongrous, indeed, and therefore removing all suggestions this is actually a prop might enhance the effect and let the viewer wonder what and when this could exist.

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This is a beautiful and unusual Photo. On the other hand there are a few mistakes, IMHO. 1) The top of the "buggy" is at the same level as the top of the mountains. The left and the right periheries are blurred - it is probbly a result of PhotoShop work. Otherwise the photo would be perfect. I am also not so sure about the ladder? (No rating :-).)
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@ salvatore / jan


I will remove the blur at the edges and clean the ladder etc..I thought leaving them would show this is not a ps job (adding the cart there)...Man is small in the frame and can be missed as a reference...I will do as you suggested ..thanks a lot..


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This is a really good capture. I agree with the others that the blurred edges don't work and I would definitely remove the stuff around the wheels but the ladder is fine. All in all though, lovely. Great color and great composition. It might look nice with a panoramic crop also.
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Dear Fusun hi;

As i said before: I really like this photo!It is plain awesome.At least for me.Congrats.Well worth your effort.

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