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Image Comments posted by michaelhills



    Thank you, Fred / Florin / Pierre...

    Yes, it has been too long, Fred. And Florin, it was not intentional. :)

    Funny how things turn out sometimes... this expression was totally spontaneous. Gaea was going through a range of expressions and as soon as I saw this I tripped the shutter.

    I love it. Love the flow, form and emotion. When my wife saw this, she said it 'felt' like a flower opening...

    Still mulling over the post processing for this... not entirely happy with what I did...

    Oh, I love portraiture...


    ... wonder ...


    Thank you, Mauro. My family were enjoying our holiday at Seaworld on the Gold Coast of Australia. My two daughters and I got in early for this and there was no one else about! Miracle... so, I took the shot. ;)



    Fun with the kids is what we are after first and foremost, isn't it? Groovy shots like these are handy momemtos of our children's journey through life (and the joy they lived through)...

    Stay safe...

    em :)



    Thanks, you three. :)

    Why in that location? Simply because that was where the bride wanted me to create a few images for her. I actually think the contrast between the cemetary and the 'radiant' bride works on several levels. Could be just me, though. :)

    em :)

  1. Ha! Yup, we do go the extra mile to 'get the shot'... ;)

    At a recent wedding, I hurt my back trying to get low down (really low down) for a good angle... worth it though. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by, Paul. :)

    Untitled 79


    Thanks, Paul... shot in 2005... ah, the momories of first starting out in photography...  miss that sense of 'newness' to some degree...


  2. Thanks, Tom! Actually, most people upon viewing this thinks Brian is on a piano... I think next time, I might actially get him on a grand piano and have some with that too!

    And mate, thank you so much for your kind comments on my portfolio...

    em :)

    Martial Hearts


    Thank you, you three. :)


    Kim, having 'fans' is good, is it not? I hope you and your family are happy in whatever you are doing - nothing else really matters, does it?


    Me? I'm still having a blast!


    em :)

    ... ...


    Thank you, Danny. Sorry it has taken me nearly a year to respond to you!

    The two flashes were actually on the same vertical axis - one about a foot higher then the other, firing into the bride and groom from camera right. My assistant was standing on the rock you see at right of frame.


    Hope this answers your question?


    em :)



    No critique from me, Paul... only to say that I really like it. Love the almost surreal nature of it, and the girl's obvious joy at seeing the beluga. Love the smile on the boy's face as well...


    em :)

    Starfish Swirl


    Kah Kit.... mate, fantastic to see your work showcased in public (again). It was a welcome surprise to open up PhotoNet to see your photo on the front page.

    And, thank you for the considered and substantial response too. It made for an interesting and thought provoking read.

    Look, as you know I have just about zero experience with landscape photography... so, take what I say with a grain of salt. But, when I first saw the photo, the first thing that screamed out at me was how centred that swirl was in the frame. It just destroyed the overall compositional balance for me. I find Peter's suggested crop more balanced. But, I am an unbalanced kinda guy when it comes to my own portraiture photography. ;)

    Apart from that, I really like the capture... makes me wish I was right there to experience the scene in person. Those starfish are awesome...

    One question: why the vertical format and not horizontal? I'm curious....

    Take care,
    em :)

    ps.... 'photoshopped in'.... ha! I found that highly amusing knowing how you like to get things right in camera. ;)

    Martial Hearts


    Hello Kim!


    Yes, they are the 'Painted Couple'. :) A very fun couple to work with!


    I am very well... busy, but you already know that. My wife finally made it through her med degree this year (after 10 years in between kids etc). She has been working for three weeks now and loves it. Not sure when I last spoke with you, but we have three kids - 6, 4 and 2 yrs. All blossoming into beautiful, energetic and thoughtful children. I'll whack up two images of them right after I post this.


    Hope you and yours are well too, Kim....


    em :)

    I wanna be...


    Adi, judging by this fine capture and from the rest of your portfolio you hold a sensitivity and thoughtfulness to the way you capture the world around you. Your imagery reflects who you are...

    I echo what Bruce has so eloquently said...


    Blue Eyes


    Lovely capture of a girl full of life, Melissa. :) Very well done.

    Personally, I really like the colouring of this photo... even if it makes the colours slightly unrealistic compared to real life... but, isn't that one of the beauties of photography? The ability to create a scene the way you yourself like it?

    Yes, listen to critique and learn from them... but, sometimes it is also learning to believe in your own way of creating photos...

    Hope I made sense! ;)



    I agree with the 'sharpness for the sake of sharpness' being overrated and one which (sadly) many beginners to portraiture believe more important over actually capturing a moment in time...

    Love the scene you have captured here.... and colour give this capture added 'life'... :)



    Lovely twist to a what could have been a very predictable 'hands and baby' routine... good stuff.

    Love the expression on the child too. ;)

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