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lightwriting by swapan

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Image Comments posted by lightwriting by swapan

  1. I wish I was there to shoot it !

    I like your composition. If that strip of glare was not there, I think it would have been a masterpiece for me !

    It is near masterpiece for me though!!


    Congratulations for this very pleasing picture !



    You did a pretty good job on yourself. I like the lighting,showing the eyes and the shades . Did you know what the lighting would be, before shooting ?


    I wish the black shadow was cropped or removed from the lower right hand corner. That is a distraction.


    Overall, very good. Congrats !



    I think the differential in the polarization of the sky is secondary to the use of an extreme wide angle !

    Also, the tip of the reflection is missing . Is the horizon a little tilted? I wish there were some clouds in the sky !

    But overall, I like the tranquility of the scene. I have been there and have shot this "witness" too!


    Keep your good work up. Good to see that someone is shooting the place in India that I come from !

  2. I have visited your folder and was impressed by your work wih IR, which I have never used and seen very few pictures and hence the confusion. I thought you did this on PS from a regular shot.


    Drop me a line at Dholai@hotmail.com if you please.

    Thank you



    you are not going to get another photo of the week right now. Okay ? Others have to have chances, too !!

    Seriously, very nice picture ! How many more do you have in stock ?




    I love this picture. A wide spectrum of color recorded faithfully with good balance. At least for me.

    The trees could have had a little more exposure and the sky could have been cropped a little more but it is just my opinion.


    Nice capture. Congrats


    P.S. Please do not tell me that it was a Photoshopograph created on the monitor with the PS!



    I know I could have done better especially with the background. But

    I did not want to miss the opportunity. It was shot with a 1.4X II

    Canon TC on the 400 mm DO lens, IIRC, at an aperture around 5.6 and

    a shutter speed of 30.

    Your comments are welcome.





    Nothing personal against you Kevin, but that is exactly what I hate digital photography ! Manipulation!! I would never know, looking at a picture, whether this was what the photographer saw and wanted us to see or this was all done on the computer! I will never know whether a landscape really existed or it was peaces and bits gathered together to "make" a picture ! Anybody can do it and you dont even need a camera to do that !!


    Should we not be Photographers, not "Photoshopographers" ??


    As it is it is a nice work of PS. But, I refuse to rate it as a photo created by a person behind the camera.


    Just my personal opinion !

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