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Image Comments posted by cortes1

    Sta. Cecilia


    ?No tenias antes una D70? ?Haces coleccion;-)? Cuenta un poco que te parece, ahora no tengo camara, dentro de unos meses cuando tenga tiempo me comprare una y ando dudando entre una u otra.


    Las fotos que estas poniendo de playas (no se si sera la misma) y paisajes marinos me parecen soberbias, tienen muchisima fuerza, transmiten grandeza. Creo que te gusta la musica en general, ahora estoy escuchando n?2 de Rachmaninoff, mi version preferida: Richter con la Filarmonica de Varsovia. Le va a tus fotos que ni al pelo.


    Esta de la hoja la verdad no me va mucho pero no te sabria decir por que. Quizas sea que yo soy musico y he visto muchas fotos de este tipo, en general me parecen muy #o#as.


    Un saludo




  1. Hola Jon, me ocurre con algunas de tus fotos que son tan tan ricas en detalles que no sabes a donde mirar y la foto te llena por completo, emociona. Es una sensaci�n muy gratificante. Con esta es una en las que me pasa eso, es fatastica, una gozada.


    Gracias por compartirla, Mikel.


    Conejo y Rata


    !Que bonita! Marina. Mencanta! Hacia tiempo que no visitiba tu pagina, toda esta serie que tienes de fotos en la playa a contraluz me parece fantastica, no por la foto en si sino por la historia que cuentas en cada una de ellas. La anterior, la de los dorados es un 10 (si se puede poner nota a las fotos) Wonderful shot, full of sesibility. Marvellous!



    Aghhh! he tenido que editar, no acepta tildes ni grafia espa#ola

    Red Pedestal


    Sorry, could you tell me why have you delete the other photo? I liked it:-( more than this one indeed

    I'm new in PN and this is the firt time i see a photo "disappear" so fast. Sorry for my English and for has rated the last one.


    PS. If it has not "disappear", sorry for this comment



    I really like the idea, but i'd like more if the drop would be in focus. I'd like as well the right part of the background like the left one, the shadow is a little bit disturbing and breaks the scene.

    Nice in any case!

    Regards, Mikel.

    PS. sorry for my English, I'm Spanish and English is my 3rd language

    The polisher.


    Me encanta! me recuerda a los cuadros al pastel, y luego estᠬa persona que aunque no se sabe muy bien lo que hace, transmite algo de tristeza (por lo menos a mi)

    De las que m᳠me gustan de todas que tienes (que me he visto todas) y eso que tienes algunas muy muy buenas.


    Un saludo desde Bilbao



    This is the other one of the same serie and as in the other I put a

    sheet of paper as a reflector. I did both in my kitchen and with

    almost no light, in the dark, now I've used NeatImage to reduce the

    noise. Sorry for my English ;-)


    Any comment, critic or feedback is warmly welcome!



    La verdad es que solo falta el perrito. Me encantan los reflejos del agua y hecho un poco en falta poder ver algo m?de esa pedazo modelo. The contrast as you have said is a little too much for my taste. Nice shot!







    This is one of the first no underwater photo. I took it just a few

    months ago during a morning in which I couldn't dive because of the

    weather. At that time i didn't know anything about photo quality and

    I took it in a low resolution.


    I have change a little bit the contrast and brightness. I could

    appreciate any suggestion or feedback because I will try to repeat






    my home!


    jajaja I didn't remember the 614 clownfish!

    The photograph is excellent with good sharpness and detail.

    I don't know why you don't take more uw photographs, your point of view is diferent from the typical one and in uw that is really apreciated because most of the photos are taken with the same pattern (sorry for my english, is pathetic and I don't have a dictionary)





  2. Hi Stefaan,


    In photography I'm a beginner and I don't have an external flash yet, then apart from the camera flash I use a torch to take photos.


    In this photo the most difficult thing was to focus the jellyfish which was tiny and it didn't stop moving.


    I have another similar photo which I like more (probably I'll put) but with the torch lightning the top.


    Sometimes to use the torch instead the flash it is not so bad, but on the whole it is much better the flash.


    Thank you for your comment,



  3. The photo I like the most from your portfolio is this one. It's a pity that it's at low resolution and pixelated. I'm not sure but may be I'd remove the branch of the left corner to improve the composition, just to be more simple. I think that in composition less is more.

    Sorry about my english, I am spanish.


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