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Posts posted by wagner

  1. Entomologists almost never use the audubon books. They are much more for the week-ender. Nice pictures, but often the identifications are wrong. The problem is that insects are VERY diverse and NO text can give good treatment to all insects or even given orders. The identifications are often wrong or out of date.


    Some groups are better know, like the dragonflies or butterflies, although they have their tough genera. Groups like beetles just cant be well covered to a generic or species level. The books would be huge and youd need detailed pictures to identify the specimens. You'd need a microscope.


    Taken as a whole, the Petersen series is pretty good. If you get a good pic and want the best possible identification (sometimes this will only be to the family level) try to get close using an available taxonomic key. Look-up (google or something) the expert for that particular group and send a copy of your pic. Or better, ask first if he/she will review. I do this with some of my pics, esp. fungi.


    You can also ask experts for suggestions, theyre often at Universities and easily reached by email.



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