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Everything posted by robert_mounier

  1. For the 10th Ihagee Auto Ultrix Radionar 4.5/105 Ilford Delta 100
  2. Zeiss super Ikonta III Tessar 3.5/75
  3. For the 7th Daïchi Zenobia neo Hesper 3.5/75
  4. Labeaume Canon Powershot G11
  5. Welta Perle Trioplan 4.5/75
  6. Daïchi Zenobia 4.5x6 folder Kodak Tmax 100
  7. Ensign Selfix 820 Ross Xpres 3.8/105 Ilford Pan F 50
  8. Ensign Selfix 820 Ross Xpres 3.8/105 Ilford Pan F 50
  9. Nagel Vollenda Radionar 6.3/105 Ilford Delta 100
  10. Voigtlander VSL1 Color Ultron 2/50
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