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Image Comments posted by derek_scott

    Pine Siskin

    @Rafik Kamel - hello how are you? Thanks for the comment. As far as adjusting saturation goes, I already did enhance some, but I didn't want to over do it, as it would ruin the natural look of this type bird.
  1. I finally got a clear shot of this Nuthatch. It was scared by a

    Northern flicker and landed on this branch. It has taken me months to

    capture him as he normally flies away to trees that are out of my


    Your comments welcome.



    Every once in awhile a small flock of these tiny birds will come over

    to my backyard and grab a quick snack. They are smaller than a finch

    or a Chickadee.

    Your comments welcome.

  2. Hello everyone and thanks for the comments , I enjoy reading them.

    @ Al Holter; The pink cast comes from the copper metal which is the cover for a suet ( filled with Hot Pepper Suet; birds love it) feeder and the Junco is sitting directly over & on it.


    Towhee Love


    This Spotted Towhee was a movin' & a Hoppin' all over the place, but

    stood still for about 1 sec; just enough time to capture him on a


    Your comments are welcome.

    Juncos of April


    Please give your thoughts about this image, I have mine but will

    share them later. I do not want to lead you in one direction or the

    other to early. Your comments are welcome.

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