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Image Comments posted by b_b21

    Al alba 1


    Me gusta mucho, pero siento que si el encuadre hubiera sido con la linea del horizonte un pelin mas arriba, eliminarias las nubes superiores que no aportan mucho y veriamos el reflejo completo en el agua. Pero bueno son pequeneces que no le restan merito.


    Saludos B. B.

  1. In Oaxaca Mexico the winter is the time of year that there are no rains. The usual temperatures of a sunny day is a comfortable 20 to 25 degrees celsius. So imagine when this nice tree is going to loose all its leaves.


    Greetings B. B.


    BTW Vaya foton que te reventaste Saludos

  2. Your are right Lee, the edges felt odd. That last piece of information makes a lot of sense for the "artist" odd position on the photograph. It didn't felt right just sitting there. (The whites in my monitor are a little overblown on his hands so it was imposible for my self to distinguish what he was doing). Great pic John I enjoy in now a lot more Thank you.


    B. B.

  3. Well John, I'm still trying hard to find something else on the photo, It looks nice, the repetition of the subject is interesting, but then again as you mention the almost monocromatic elements gives it a unique look. I'm trying to find a way of improving this image in any way, believe me, I just can't. Your photojournalistic background here gives you an edge above every one.


    Congratulations B. B.

  4. I think a little too much space is on the left of the worker with the Jackhammer, besides that and the fact that the other worker is probably a little too close to the edge, I think this is a great pictue. I was looking for your usual third but nowhere to be seen ;-) .


    B. B.



    No se por que razon me da la impresion mas de una fuente que de lluvia, pero eso no le resta merito en lo absoluto.


    Felicidades B. B.

  5. Nice photo, the man and the tool of his craft. Its interesting to see the air pump and the helmel over the motorcycle. With an abandoned wall as background. This image speaks tons of the man and his behaviour towards life. A friend told me this people think they are above accidents because of their ability, until one day, statistics cathces them. Of all the 125 cc motorcycles (the type used in pizza delivery) insured in 2003 all of them had at least one accident. I sincerely hope you didn't take the ride for the thrill of it.


    Greetings B. B.

  6. En defensa del fotografo 2.8 con un sensor chico como el de la D100 obtener un excelente desenfoque es poco menos que imposible. Me gusta la expresion que tiene el hombre.


    Gran retrato. Saludos B. B.

  7. On this picture I'm not sure what is your intention If you want to stand out the beauty of the model, then you did it, although the smile feels too fake. The pose is somehow fictitious. Your subject is too centered and there is nothing beyond the beauty of your model. Take some time to analyze this picture and your intention with it and see for yourself if it really worked. A good picture can withstand the pass of time.


    Hope this is helpful in some way.


    Greetings B. B.

  8. El problema que comentas, me ha tenido inquieto desde el primer momento. No creo que en Photo.net obtengas otra cosa mas que condolencias de todos nosotros. Estamos regados por todo el mundo, y tal vez el mas cercano se encuentre a miles de kilometros de donde esto esta sucediendo.


    Te recomiendo que, por cruel que parezca, tomes fotos de las aves que estan en peligro, pero aun vivas y las envies a un diario local. Tu esfuerzo es digno de un aplauso y desde mi punto de vista, tendria mas efecto si lo canalizamos por un medio mas directo.


    Saludos B. B.

  9. John, Sometime over midnight, the sky is falling on your head and you decide to take a picture kneeling with a bad back and stiff knee. Aren't you asking for an accident to hapen. I know this pictures is fantastic, although I've never been in San Francisco. I would love to see more and also learn from your comments. So do me a favor, take care of yourself and remember that superman is only a comic :-)).


    Great Picture B. B.

  10. "S.O.S "Western Grebe" Petroleum problem. Hi every one, How are you doing? Here I'm a little lost, after many weeks without beeing able to go out and take Photographs due to the rains. On the weekend I found that the places I used to go out, some of the animals, were sick and contaminated with petroleum. Instead of taking photographs I started helping the way I could to those in charge. Capturing birds to study and clean them. The most afected are the "Western Grebe" due to the fact that they don't fly and they only swim, therefore the petroleum sticks more to them. The people in charge aren't certain where did they picked up the petroleum but I found a whole family with this problem even some dead. I was told you need a truck load of money to clean things up, the zones most afected are: Ballona Wetlands, Marina del Rey and Playa del Rey, Los Angeles California. I hope they can be saved and this story has a Happy ending. I will help in any way I can, I invite everyone in the area to join for a good cause."


    Hector Brandan


    Translator Note, this is done to the best of my ability. I also hope anyone can help. B. B.

  11. John: As you say, I understand its 3:00 a.m. you had nothing to do in your sleepless night and you took a trip to your nearest local fire, :-)) Composition wise, I think its ok, I like the face on the foreground in "not so sharp" focus, and the rest of the firemen out of focus. You have to have a lot of guts to do once what this men do for a living.


    Great capture B. B.



    Un retrato familiar de muchisima calidad, me hubiera gustado ver mas detalles en el horizonte y exclusivamente la silueta de la ni�a, pero bueno eso son peque�eces. Excelente.


    Saludos B. B.

    The Bridge.


    Me gustan mucho todos los efectos que da el contraluz que tienes en esta foto, aunque por alguna razon se nota demasiado el grano de la pelicula.


    Muy buena fotografí¡®


    Saludos B. B.



    I've been looking at this picture for quite some time now, there is something wrong with the sleeves of the jacket, I don't know why but they kind of bother me. I tried different crops, but then the image looses balance. A great picture which reflects this child personality.


    Congratulations. B. B.

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