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Posts posted by allen_gross

  1. <p>Firstly, thanks for the quick responses. As you might guess, this is my favorite forum on Pnet and I’m always impressed how helpful people are.<br>

    John: Thanks for the advice on avoiding starting a new thread to post successive comments.<br>

    Michael: Apologies for not being clear about the examples and the lenses used. I first noticed the problem using the CZ lens taking pictures of the Rodin statues at the Norton Simon Museum (it affected other photos as well). The same thing happened on a subsequent occasion: occasional shots with everything equally out of focus (normal daylight, aperture and shutter speed).<br>

    I then thought of shooting with different lenses to see whether the problem was with the CZ – hence the use of the Super Tak, which I usually use with my M 42 Pentacon but have also used with the Contax with the M42- to C/Y adapter. I also shot with a Vivitar 19-35 at 28 mm and got similar results. So I think it’s something with the camera.<br>

    Dave: The original problem was noticed while using a single lens throughout the roll (Ex. 1).Ex. 2 used different lenses to ascertain that it wasn’t the CZ causing the problem.<br>

    James: Thanks for putting the photos on one thread. It’s a Contax 137 MA, with the speed selection ring having long been broken, making the camera essentially an MD in operation. The M42 lens is attached with an M42 to C/Y adapter. As mentioned, this lens has functioned fine before on both my Pentacon and the Contax.<br>

    Michel, Dave and John:<br>

    <strong>“It's as if the lens or film plane were somehow displaced by a certain small amount.” </strong>What would cause this?<br>

    <strong>“film flatness problem.”</strong> This I doubt, as I’m always impressed when loading film into the camera how flat the film appears. And it’s happened with several rolls, so it couldn’t be a faulty roll. <br>

    <strong>“gummed-up mirror system.” </strong>Seals and foam look fine – looking at it while repeatedly firing the shutter without a lens, everything looks fine.<br>

    John: I will try your approach. Should your hypothesis be true, what would have to be done?<br>

    Any other ideas based on the info I gave you?<br>




  2. <p>I have had this Contax 137 MA for quite some time. Last year I noticed a discrepancy between successive shots - with some pictures being out of focus (usually a successive shot). It doesn't seem to be a lens problem. In example 2, I took some shots of the same scene with my CZ 28 mm, an M42 Super-Tak with adapter (usually also an excellent performer), and you can see the differences. Could there be some sort of mirror slap in the camera? My local tech didn't see anything wrong. Can anyone help/explain?<br>


    Allen Gross</p><div>00dCni-555931584.thumb.jpg.054f8365bfa3663a6dc8fe1065646c38.jpg</div>

  3. My guess is that there is room in the negatives to reduce the blown highlights. I recently had bunch of shots taken in

    Tuolomne meadows (Portra 400) with white water, that the lab printed with blown highlights and too much contrast. I

    then scanned it myself with Vuescan and my Minolta Dimage III scanner and got better results than the lab.

    I second the advice to take your prints back to the lab and tell them your concerns. They can probably do a better job.

  4. I bought my first SrT in Germany in 1978 on the day our daughter was born. Used it for years, then bought a few more used to give to my

    kids as they grew up. Now of course they use digital cameras, while I went to Nikons and Contax/Yashica.I recently couldn't resist buying a 50

    mm Rokkor 1.4 for $30 at my local Samys, then borrowed my son's SrT 101 - still working well. I had forgotten what a pleasure it was to

    use this camera!

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