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Image Comments posted by rajnishduara


    Dear Gloria, "If there is a paradise on earth, its here, its here, its here". Famous poem in Urdu on Kashmir by the last Mughal Emperor of India, Bahadur Shah Zafar. Love, Raj.


    Dear L,One of the very few artistic ass shots I have ever soon. But the pixels shows. Wish u could have taken at a greater megapixel. Can u comment on my sunset and children photographs. Love, Raj.
  1. Dear A, Only thing it reminds me of is Marilyn Monroe's portrait, and this is the Satanic part of it. Very original, great features, its pure art form. I like your mastery in digital imaging, but the stories are like John Carpenter's.

    shy sun!

    Great to see your work Raghu,I liked the shot of the palm tree too, can u peep into my nature folder in my portfolio and I won't mind if u analyse my children and sunset shots... But could u have taken this shot with another "photogenic tree"....I wonder.....Keep going buddy.Regards , Raj.



    Thanx for rating one of my pix but I would like you to comment on my second and fifth pix of sunsets (quite similar subjects).

    Have u taken the shot at B mode, the central cloud sems to have moved a bit. Good to get all the colors. Some part of blue top could have been cropped. U r welcome to give comments on mine too, candidly.


    Great job.I wonder how it would have been with half of the face lighted up. Good experimentation. Sorry, I am a cardiac surgeon and don't have a job for u, in fact I would like to be your asstt !!!!!.


    Out of focus definitely and the hand out of nowhere touching the arm rest could have been digitally deleted to give a floating image.Can u try that and show me? Can u comment on my other sunset shots?

    The Beast

    the beast is awesome, but if u don't mind, the grass on both sides have a blue tinge, and looks digitally altered. The cyan border of the truck is distracting. But anyway definitely original idea.

    Sunset 02

    Wonderful exposure and I like the color sats. I tried taking shots like that but to get equallity in color sats for both dark and light shades seems difficult. like to know how u do it. Cn u see my "After the sunset" shot and advice?


    Excellent composition, and originality, but I think the model is too tensed up with closed eyes; Could u have taken out her burden a bit, I don't know...The shadows on the left or wet cement also distracts a bit. Can u comment on my snaps.



    Boris, is it manipulated? If not thats great stuff. Blue contrast well with black. Could u have more of forms on the right hand corner? Silhouettes have less of expression but u have done a terrific job. 5/5.


    Morning walk


    Awesome Henry! Hailing from Assam, India, these sites are common but to reproduce them in film/photo requires extraordinary moments/ your patience/ spot right settings. I believe the pix is unmanipulated. The pix has full sharpness, but I just feel if a little haziness by using a bigger aperture and some exposure compensation could have made a diferent surrealist feel. I believe u must have taken at different settings, if not is that the only one shot. If u have taken at different settings can u send it to me? Tell me how could u have made the sunlight more prominent? Hats off once again!!


    Spiral II


    Its awesome!! I hope I could get into that mood!

    Offsetting the image, brilliant color sats, gives a feel of floating spiral. I guess a subject was intentionally avoided, but would it have fostered interest? I don't know, can somebody comment on that.

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