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hugo drax

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Posts posted by hugo drax

  1. It all depends but the one real factor that matters is the final print and not all this mumbo jumbo theory. if you want wide exposure lattitude then you need film unless you budget for a Leaf or Phaseone back and a Hassie. I doubt film will dissapear just like Acoustic guitars still exist today even with the advent of electric guitars and synths. Different tools for different jobs I think its silly to ponder this whole MP issue, The final print and client satisfaction is what matters in the end.


    Now on a side not I did a run of 12x18s on a Frontier (Aerials) that were mistaken for MF output and they were impressed with the color accuracy,saturation and the lack of film grain on the final print. Looks like Digital is in for aerial photos unless you want a print the size of a billboard but how many people ask for that? I think for general work Digital is moving quickly but for fine arts I think film is still the way.

  2. Trever, Superb work. I would get the Leica M7 body. Forget digicam since it has terrible lownoise and DSLRs have shutters/mirror slap that sound like a silenced weapon. There is a Digital Rangefinder by Epson that I would recommend but right now its only being sold in Japan.
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