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Image Comments posted by hunter

    Looking Skyward


    Here is another image from the VLA site, it does have items in it for scale, the pickup truck and the crane on the right, but it's not nearly as nice a photo in my opinion.. but it does show scale...


    Standing Alone

    I agree, in fact, most of my photo's I took there feel that way. @ the time it seemed like a good idea, stay low, get long lines in the sand. I wish I would have taken some with just a sliver of sky... Maybe someday I will go back and try again!

    Looking Skyward


    I am never quite satisfied with the photo's I take of very large

    objects; part of the thrill of seeing something like this in person is

    gaining an appreciation for the scale of things that humans can build.

    In the middle of the desert, without any surrounding items for scale

    its easy to loose the grandure. A baseball diamond can fit in the

    dish, it weighs 220 tons, the next one in the shot is nearly a mile in

    distance, and the whole array covers an area the size of Washington DC.

    What can I do in a situation like this to better portray the awsome

    size of the subject?



    White Sands New Mexico, it's amazing that life can exist in such a

    shifting, blowing, and strange landscape.


    Critiques desired.

  1. ack... it's going to suck the breath out of that baby!! (just kidding -- we have cat's and we used to here that wives tail from time to time) -- I love the image, and love your style. Thank you.
  2. My first thought, seeing it small, was "Oh Wow"

    and it is an oh wow shot, but opening it larger my eyes were drawn down by the lines, and it seems like maybe it's crpped just a little to short -- needs a bit more ground -- the man standing on the far left is somewhat cut off, and the horizon line formed in the distant arch is very low to the bottom of the photo. It's still a wonderfully lit, and well conceived photo. Good contrast, good tone.


    I love it.. but this, and some of your others seem a little lacking in contrast... no distinct blacks or distinct whites. I love this photo though.
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