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Posts posted by heklephotoimages

  1. <p>Have to use some auto modes because - the lights power on and off the whole time giving you diff light conditions during the game.<br>

    1. ISO auto control on - the range goes from 1600 - 3200 while shooting in low light.<br>

    2. RAW<br>

    3. Mode "S" at 320/sec+ this will give you wide open 2.8 most of the time - the iso does most of the adjusting. (I increase to 400 or 500 -depending on the light, and the ISO which I am getting) speed has more effect then DOF most of the time.<br>

    4. exp comp +.7 with full meter - that way I hope not to get whites blown out, or grey ice.<br>

    5. use the back AF-on for focus on the back of the camera - and shutter release only to take the picture. That way you are always have focus on your subject waiting for the right shot. Single focus point on the face - and I move it up and down depending on how far away they are on the ice from me.<br>

    6. CH all the time as well, and C for shutter release - never S or M. this way your camera will take pictures even if not in focus - While in S - the shot has to be in focus for the shutter to release.<br>

    Also focus tracking with lock on "short"- this one I am still playing with.<br>

    The best thing is getting into a nice arena with lots of light - I never get there - always super dark ones.</p>


  2. <p>Someone wants to use some of my pictures in a promo video for a University club hockey team.<br>

    One of the pictures is of 4 team mates jumping on the glass after a goal, and the crowd is in sight. <br>

    (they became part of the picture at that point - but not the main focus)<br>

    Can he use this picture? I am not charging any money - no profit - he is also doing the video for no profit - <br>

    just to help the team with recruiting.</p>


  3. The new D70s I think is out now and has a improved focus (faster)and screen (larger).

    I have a F100 (sits on a shelf now), then got the D70 last July. Shot a lot of hockey and ringette in low light with the D70. It is not as good for sports as the D2H for either speed or focus, but I still got some nice pictures using high ISO. The best part is I also shot a LOT of bad ones, which I just got rid of by a push of a button. No need to hand over any $ to a lab for the bad shots.

    The reality is there is not a camera out there that does it all. D2H is great for sports. D2X is beautiful for fine pics, outdoor sports, and most everything else. Just not for sports indoors where you can?t use a flash. The D2X has lots of camera shake because of 12mp on same size sensor and you need higher than average shutter speeds for clear shots. To get that, you need an ISO over 800 and it has lots of noise. (Our arena?s are very dark)

    For the cost, the D70 is a great camera where you are able to do both sports, fine art and weddings.

    Mind you I have had to send my D70 into Nikon 2 times already. Once for shutter repair, and the last time to replace circuit, and aperture control unit.

    If it wasn't for the D2X given for a 25 anniversary gift (no diamonds for me LOL), I would have bought a D70s and used my first D70 as a back up.

    Hope this helps

  4. Hi I love to shot hockey and ringette in low light arenas. I am using a D70 with a f 2.8 lens 80-200mm . The AF is not as fast as I would like it at times. Would like to try advice and try the D2H. I have gotten some good shots but need iso 1250 or so and lens opened up all the way. I find digital much easier than film because of increased ISO and the 1.5 factor on the lens (200 mm turns into a 300 mm on the D70) This is a less expensive option to start if you are shooting in low light. It does work great for football and soccer ect. OH - I NEVER - NEVER use a flash. This does distract the players no matter what people say.
  5. I just came across the same thing today. I put a new card in today and I am getting a delay on the shutter. I get a meter reading, push the shutter - will not release until it is hit again. almost like mirror lock up. I reset the camera as well, changed lenses and checked all settings. No clue. May just drop it off at Nikon Canada when I drive by next week.
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