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Image Comments posted by davepugh



    Nice photo. The soft focus on the bride is spot on.
    The photographer at my wedding last year in Moldova was planning on doing a shot with my wife and I, startling a group of pigeons into flight using her parasol. We'd seen one she did at another wedding and it looked great. Unfortunately, while she was quietly positioning herself to take the shot, my Mum decided to get rid of all these nasty birds messing up our wedding photos, and scared them off herself... Thanks Mum!

  1. Lovely sunset Igor. That brings back fond memories. I went windsurfing in Cabarete (a few miles from Sosua) three times in the late 90s and did some fantastic dives with Northern Coast Diving out of Sosua. I remember some beautiful sunsets, but utterly failed to capture any of them on film (in case anyone is unaware, 'film' is strip of plastic coated in a light sensitive emulsion, used to capture images). I must go back there some day.



  2. That is really beautiful Pedro. I'd love to see that printed out really big, it must look great. The reflection on the water is lovely.


    Some people don't seem to like stitched panoramas, but when done well like this, there's nothing like it for letting you see the "big picture".


    Congrats. 7/7 ++



    This little chap was singing his heart out (although I managed to catch him with his beak shut). He sat there for ages while I wandered off to get my camera.
  3. Stunning image Tom. I love the way the clouds are piled up at the left, then seem to stretch out to infinity across the image. Great colours too.

    I like stitched images myself, providing it's done well like yours. For a wide panoramic shot, it's the only way of getting any real resolution. On your S2, a single shot of this aspect ratio would only have been 450 pixels high, which just doesn't cut it. Also, if you use lots of separate images, you get a nice flat image.


    Nice colours and composition. You should send it to Micro$oft and suggest that they use it to replace that horrible default Windows XP desktop image.
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