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vietnam photo

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Posts posted by vietnam photo

  1. Bas, you need to take your eyes off the view finder. The purpose of my portfolio to let people know about my birth country and visit and take photos. It is not self-grandiose because I will be the first to admit that my skills is miniscule in comparison with the masters on photo.net. OK?


    BTW, I have a Google e-mail account and it really exploits my e-mail content to place ad. But I do not blink my eye because the account is free and I signed the dotted line to accept such condition in exchange for a free e-mail account.


    Actually I would not mind if Google does not target the keywords in my photo titles or photo descriptions to place ads. Having known that my works are targeted by a machine, I feel invaded and captive. Do I now have to think about Google when entering the titles and descriptions, just like having to bastardize my e-mail address to work around the spammers?


    So, what is wrong about wanting to contribute *and* asking for no ads? Or should I make no contribution and accept the ads? I would love to hear from the management of photo.net on this question.

  2. John, is this thread about english.for.non-english-born.photographer?


    How ironic that you choose (or "chose"?:-)) to voice your opinion which has nothing to do with these buckets: (1) Should paying members have some tangible benefit, (2) Photography?


    Obviously, bucket (1) does not fit you. I cannot tell about bucket (2) because your porfolio is empty.

  3. I recently uploaded a small number of photos that I took in Vietnam,

    my birth country. I used the keyword "Vietnam" in my photos because

    I want photo.net members to be aware of this beautiful place :-).

    But Google ads show up on my photo pages, shameless plugging for

    cheap hotels in Vietnam. Now that cheapens my photos :-).


    Does photo.net have a policy that enables paid members to block ads

    on their pages? If not, it seems like it is a good service to offer

    to those who enjoy the site enough to be willing to pay for it.


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