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Image Comments posted by jdsuttonphotography

  1. I love this image. Having spent a week and a few thousand images in Santorini, I came away with nothing to match this. Spectacular light makes the image. Framing is good, though I think I would have cropped in on left and top and marginally on the right, to focus attention more on the cupola.

    I particularly like the forced "read" from lower right to upper left, contrary to the usual western read of right to left; it adds some visual tension that supplements the perfect light.

    coastal safety



    I certainly like the image on first look; made me want to look closer. But then I have an issue with what I perceive to b different sources of light. Based on the wonderful clouds, the light should be coming from the back or from the right; but the light on the beautiful cords is from the top left or the top right back; definitely blocked by the board from the sky source.

    It's an interesting dilemma; effective image versus truth of light sources.



    Thanks for the kind words Morley; yes it is in the wild.

    I did not add any extra light, so yes, I believe your assumption about reflection from the flower buds is correct.

    Apparent depth of field is due to the use of the telephoto and image size is due to use of an extension tube with the lens.

  2. While I really enjoy your work generally, I must say that I am partial to your "Cartier-Bresson" type images,having got my start the same way. I wish I had had your abilities when I had those opportunities, lo those many years ago. Makes my heart ache a bit.

    But thanks for showing me more of what I had hoped to accompish in those days (the early 70's); it's inspiring even now.

  3. I like it that you take such a complex scene and reduce it to its simplest, yet exotic essentials. Good choice of media; wonderful control of depth and planes of interest.

    And I should say while I'm here that I do truly enjoy your work; it is overall exquisite!

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Place du Tertre

    Wow; isn't Paris a great place to shoot! You have done a nice job of capturing the atmosphere; what I particularly like is the fact that the foreground tree at the top is not blacked out, showing good detail, and giving the whole image a nice sense of balance. Paris makes me want to work in B&W too.
  4. thanks Anton:

    using my favourite butterfly and small bird combination, a Nikkor 300 f4 with extension tube PN11, on a tripod;

    backlit, probably wide open (so effectively 5.6), using center-weighted metering;

    butterfly was flitting around a meadow of thistles, but with my Swiss Arca ball head, I can follow reasonably well and still stay sharp.

    hope that's helpful

  5. what a wonderful shot; even though a part of me wonders if it is real or created digitally, the end result is spectacular, and I congratulate you on that. What a great bit of luck or good planning to be in that location at that time; I'd be interested to know which it was - never been able to get a lightning shot.

    Anyway, good shooting, and planning.

  6. wonderful image;

    just a touch heavy on the right side with all that darkness;

    marks not higher on originality because we see so many of these stacks images;

    though I hasten to add that for me that does not detract from the beauty of this image.



    Nice colour; nice design.

    I'd have liked it better if the black design element on the bottom did not bleed out of the frame, so it was surrounded by green on all sides.

    BES Breakfast


    overall quite nice; but like another commenter, I am confused about the center of interest; is it the center of the flower or the bug? they seem to compete for attention. And i agree that there is an issue of depth of field re that; trust me, I know how impossible that is;

    still, overall, quite a nice image

    Nude Venus 3


    I've since looked at the folder; didn't immediately recognize this photo as related to that fabulous one in silk; great portfolio; especially like the one in silk but the next one, side/back is great too; good work; nice to have a model so photogenic; good lighting


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