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Image Comments posted by ankhbonk

    Cat Food


    While the picture certainly portrays the birds impending doom, in

    Reality, the bird survived even after being in the cats mouth THREE

    times. It went on to escaped alive and flying.

    Puddle N Stuff

    I left the "sliver of ground" in order to hasten a viewers recognition of what they are perceiving. Personally, I like it more witout the ground (better perspective, cleaner image) but it seems to be too disorienting if there is no ground. Of course, this is probably untrue for photographers who critique other photos, and are well versed with reflections, but I feel that the ground makes it much easier to understand what the image is.

    Puss In Boots

    I'll see what I can do about the contrast... I'm sure I can reduce its severity, but I fear that I will lose "texture" in the process. Thanks for the insight.
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