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Posts posted by hilary_spencer1

  1. <p>A good example for this discussion might be Chuck Close's recent photographs of Kate Moss in W magazine (Sept 2003). He used a daguerreotype (not common in fashion photography). The photos definitely do not look retouched and Close claims that they have not been airbrushed. I think this lends support to antithesis 2, though I agree with the earlier post about this needing a definition of beauty. If beauty is subjective, then retouching can both add beauty and destroy it.


    <p><a href="http://www.artcritical.com/DavidCohen/sun_images_august/close.jpg">Example 1</a> <br> <a href="http://www.style.com/style/view/07/74/100107407.jpg">Example 2</a>

  2. <p>I am researching ethics in photography criticism, writings by art

    historians, and statements by photographers. I have read Susan

    Sontag's <i>On Photography</i> a number of times now and have not

    found another book where as many ethical claims on photography have

    been made.</p>


    <p>So far, I have looked into feminist criticisms of pornography,

    numerous discussions regarding manipulation of photographs, and

    journalistic practices (such as the ASMP's and NPPA's codes of

    conduct), among other things. I would like to know, from those

    people who have thought about this:

    <br> - What readings have influenced you the most?

    <br> - Are there photographers who you think have conducted

    themselves in an exemplary manner and who have expressed their

    reasons for doing so?

    <br> - Regarding people who criticize photographers (or individual

    photographs), have there been any who you strongly agree or disagree


    <p>Much thanks to anyone who takes the time to respond!</p>

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